


Several bugs were fixed, some spelling errors were corrected, and Lilith's dress and Orcus's expiration date were modified.




Se corrigieron varios bugs, algunas faltas de ortografía y se modificó el vestido de Lilith y la fecha de expiración de Orcus.






That's not my neighbor.exe 495 MB
May 29, 2024
That's not my neighbor.x86_64 487 MB
May 29, 2024
That's not my 450 MB
May 29, 2024

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I cannot seem to access new people am i playing the demo? or is something wrong?


how do i update the game?

(1 edit)

I think i ran into a little bit of a bug in nightmare mode. the run started with whatever the "three times. three times. three times." person is and i let them in three times. did a few neighbors and then the hooded woman and lilith showed up at the same time. when i attempt to ask a question I get null. each time i called the ddd they stayed stacked up not dissapearing.

Mysterious hooded person made everyone say null

I cannot find any of the links to download the latest version of this game even though I downloaded it yesterday (paid $10). It will only let me download the version in my library which is I really want to play nightmare mode

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I still cannot see the new files to download it on Mac and it's upsetting cause I've tried everything and it wont show up


Hi I thing you broke a copyrights from Scott Cawthon using name like W.Afton as William Afton so please deleted this character forever

Hey! So I already bought it, like i paid 2.99 on CashApp but I didn't receive any files or nothing. On CashApp it says pending but all my money is gone. Please help me out!


how i do download the new update??

Hola nacho, acabo de ver que hay un bug con yan luo, he dejado pasar a la original y acto seguido aparece de nuevo por lo que intuyo es un doppel, pero me he dedicado a revisarla a fondo y no tiene nada mal, la deje pasar para ver los detalles y dice que tenia dientes falsos, pero es mentira, grabé el momento, revisé la grabación y efectivamente los dientes estaban bien, tanto los de la cara como lo de "dientes afilados", espero te sirva esta anotación 

It has been tried for a long time and successfully downloaded the version Just delete the original file and download the file again to complete the update.


the ddd agents face isnt loading in properly and when i use the phone my cursor looks weird does anyone else have this problem


Check if you need to update your drivers


think the cursor glitch happened with Kubz scouts lol 

Hello is there a chance i can buy that game with paysafecard? 

can y ou make the  game "that's not my neighbor",a browser game it says it is  a A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux.but atm I dont own any of  those,and  I already brought the game

Hi I want say to you. You Copy William Afton aka Dr. W. Afton from Scott Cawthon and you Break a copyright from Scott Cawthon

i cant play the game and can i have a refund

can i have a refund, the game won't run

can i have a refund


how do I update it lol

ReDownload it or Download app to update better

lol Ig I''l have to redowload cuz the app doesn't let me log in and shows not found when I want to reset password, thanks anyways

How do i update this game?

you don’t update, just download the latest version 

where is the download link? ive looked everywhere i cant find anything

it is in the same  place where you downloaded the game , just now with the newer version 

Hey! I'd like to offer my help with translating it to Polish for free. I would translate everything you send me, and you would code the translation into the game, since I don't know how to code. All I would like in return is my name in the credits. Let me know if you're interested.

Hello ! I do thank you for the game, the new gamemode looks awesome ! However, this patch of the game doesn't let me use the phone, i.e., the phone just keeps ringing indefinitely whether I'm in Arcade Mode or in Nightmare Mode.

Thank you !


Mclooy Rudboy Saying He Went For A Work Emergency When He Is Retired Is A Cool Detail!


you should make a VR version in the future, that would be terrifying and really cool. 


Hi loved playing! Works great, just a little note though, I killed Mclooy Rudboy because he said he had to go to a work emergency when he is listed as retired. Whoops. Figured it might be a dialogue issue that might need updating!

Loved playing! Can't wait for more updates.


I think The Mclooy Rudboys dialogue is just an anomaly 

Can you please update the resolution of the file images because it's very hard to tell if something is different at such a low resolution (I'm playing at max settings). I lost cause I thought there was a fifth stitch on her left cheek in the files and apparently that's not the case it's just a graphical error. I mistake so much because of the subtle changes and for what this game is I believe we need higher res images.

Images are perfectly fine, get better eyes ✅

hola amigo, de que pais eres??

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