Last time I will explain why I can not give you a Steam key

Hi, I want to tell you and explain one last time why I can not give you a Steam key for the new version of the game.

Everything I am goin to explain you can read it by yourself here: Steam Key Rules and Guidelines

Steam limit the amount of keys that I can give for free, for this reason I can not give a key for all the people who bought the game here a while ago.

The discount on steam was made for you, I know that people who didn't buy the game here can buy it now with the discount and doesn't seem fair but there was no way to apply the disscount only to you so I preferred that new people get the game cheaper than you have to buy it more expensive.

Please understand this, I would give you a key if I could but Steam have rules.

And please keep this in mind the next time another game from here gets viral and later the developer doesn't give you a steam key.

Having said this, I remade all the game for the steam release so at leasts you don't feel like you are paying for the same thing twice.

This game release on February last year, in all that time you play and ejoy the game I made, you paid for that and you still have that game and always will be yours. I made a lot of extra content for it and didn't ask you to pay anything more than the price a set at the begining.

If you don't like to think that the Steam version is another game then see it as a dlc that you need to pay to get it.

I made the game as cheaper as it is, there are a lot of people that always tell me that I should  raise the price but I don't want it, because I don't care about earning more money, all I want is share my game and earn what I think is fair for all the work I put on it, game development is hard, really HARD you have to deal with a lot of stuff, I don't think I am asking for too much in exchange.

I am really very grateful to everyone who supported me, and I still thinking in ways that I can compensate all of you but I can not give you this new game for free.

The main reason the game here was shot down is beacuse I am planning to add something that only the people who bought the game when was available can access it. I am still thinking what can I do, but I will do my best to figure it out.

Thank you and I hope you understand.

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i mean i can buy the game for some people if they dont have job or are student whit no money


Why isn't the version still available for people who actually did buy it?

You can access the game if you bought it, go to your library of here, the game should be there

I'm still able to download it.  It's there.  Click on your profile, then Library.

  • Pre-Purchases. If you offer your product for pre-purchase outside of Steam, and that pre-purchase grants the user a Steam product key, those keys should unlock your product at the same time it is made available for purchase via Steam. You should also not give Steam customers a worse deal than Steam Key purchasers.

I don't see any breaks of this rule --> So it should be ok to grant keys for pre-purchasers outside Steam (on You just need to contact Steam Support and clarify that question. Until that - all above mentioned is considered as lies. IMO

(1 edit)

It is not a pre-purchase. This game was release more than a year ago, it was a complete product and that's what you bought.

I am not selling the game that release on Steam in other place. It is only on Steam.

Edit: That paragraph is reffering to a case when someone start selling the game outside steam by keys. Don't be confused, I have never sold a steam key.

will the mobile version get an update in the future?

Any mobile version is not mine, that games were published by other people who just stole my game, so I am sorry to tell you this but no.

will you ever officially release the game on mobile in the future? And there should be a way to report the person who stole your game


Is the game considered complete on steam or will there be future updates on steam? 


Didn't read the whole thing, don't need to. I bought the game on here, and when I am ready for updates I will buy the game again on steam. I do not need a steam key, no one should be asking for a steam key. It isn't that pricey of a game for it to be an issue to buy again and just to make a point to that I will post both a screenshot of this comment and a screenshot of when I buy the game again on twitter. But I will wait until the end of the discount, that way I am paying full price. A good game that is already cheap should be bought at full price. Love the game and hope you have a great day.


Bro just upload the new version on itch so we can access it i dont care about any extra stuff i just want the new version


Thanks for the explanation.
Do you have any intention to make the game playable on MAC OS through Steam (seeing as the version here also had a MAC release) while the discount lasts?

they mentioned on their instagram story a few days before steam release that they couldn't get it to work on MAC OS sadly

That's actually so sad, I bought it to support them anyways in hopes that I can afford a windows laptop in the future, but I'm so sad they're not going to try and get it to work on mac.

Thanks for the feedback and explanation. I will gladly buy the game again because I like it. But I really ask you to add Ukrainian localization, it is very important for me and other players. I learned about the game from Ukrainian YouTubers and I think many people from my country would like to play this wonderful game in their own language. Thanks again