Refund for the people who want it (Didn't work)

This was the original post:

(If you purchased the game here between March 2024 and March 2025, and would like a refund, I’m willing to provide one, even if you’ve enjoyed my game for over a year,  that already justified paid for the game in first place.

The Steam version is a remake and will not be released on any other platform. The version published here is complete and will not receive any further updates.

If you would like a refund, please leave a short comment on this post. With your username I can check if you purchased the game and issue a refund. Please note that it may take some time due to the processes required by and the time I need to check manually for everybody.

Also has to approve the refund first.

If you don't want a refund please don't write a comment.

Thank you so much for all the people who still even decide to support my work. You are amazing and I am happy to know that there are people who really are truly supporters.)


Edit: already started answer for the refunds I ask for, only the purchases made at most 90 days ago can be refund it, I didn't know that before, everything I tried to do for compensate seems to didn't work. 

I really tried but I am tired of this, I want to move on, I made a game you bought that game you have access to that game, just look for it in your library.

You paid for that not for a new version of the game, if you don't understand that then I am sorry.

Get That's not my Neighbor