Patch (

Fix Nacha's eyebrows that were a little bit up than usual and was misurderstood as a doppelganger.

Fix the mispelling "Lastest" on the newspaper.


That's not my neighbor.exe 530 MB
Oct 01, 2024
That's not my 477 MB
Oct 01, 2024
That's not my neighbor.x86_64 512 MB
Oct 01, 2024

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Hola chicos, yo habia comprado el juego antes y me pedia comprarlo de nuevo, pero no, lo unico que deben hacer es verificar su correo electronico y ya, después me dejo descargarlo, espero les funcione ;)

Debe ser con el correo que lo compraron


hola, una duda, como lo hiciste?  tipo, lo compre hace un tiempo y ahora me pide comprarlo de nuevo a pesar de que me registre con el correo electronico con el q lo compre 


Hola, solo metete a tu cuenta en la parte de configuración,  a mi me salio un recuadro grande pidiendo verificación de mi correo electrónico. Si no sale busca el apartado del correo electrónico 

how do i update the game?


Make sure you're logged in. Go to the main game page and look at the top. It should say "You own this game." with a download link that will get you the most recent version.

I can't see that, have been trying to update the game for a while, but I can't figure out how to

no puedo volver a descargar el juego porque lo borre por acidente y lo tengo comprado

yo tambien pero cuando lo descargo no me deja jugarlo


I bought it before this update and now its asking me to buy again, I happily will but im not sure if this is a bug


i dont know how to download the newest version!



I cannot buy, it is written to me that the card number is not correct

That's Not My Neighbor (Steam Version) :)

By Robot Gentlemen, Liam Vickers Animation, iHasCupquake.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I can't download any of these files, why is that? do I need to use other browser? I'm using safari.


How do I update the game? :(


oh, nevermind. I got it :) I'm so excited to try the new modes!!


how did you update the game???


How do I download the updates? I bought this game way back when it first came out and have no idea how to install the updates without buying the game a second time...


You'll have to sign up for but as long as you use the email address you used to buy the game, it should show up in your collection.


Hi, the new version will not start. Nothing happens...can anyone help me?

(3 edits) (-1)

Can you also add which neighbors died after each day in the "neighbors killed" section. It doesn't display who ended up getting killed in the daily news on campaign mode.

(1 edit)

My review of the Campaign:

When i first booted up the update and saw the Campaign mode i was really excited, and that's no exaggeration. I played since before nightmare mode was added and i am very happy to see this game grow! I like the different endings as some of the endings leave room open for theory and/or curiousity.

Now for the part i would like to critisize. The actual gameplay honestly feels a bit bland and somewhat like a repeat of the original 1 day-shift mode. That means you essentially just repeat the same thing for 7 in-game shifts, which is very monotone. That sadly makes the whole thing a bit of a letdown for me.

I do not like leaving negative points without offering solutions so here i have a suggestion, that i think could help the flow of the campaign and general fun whilst playing:

Papers, Please, a game similar to yours, has 3 interesting characters that regularily visit the player (Jorji, Sergui, Calensk), who all have little 'side-quests' to fulfill for them which give money or moral peace to the player in return. Jorji in particular is a fun guy who likes to crack jokes and who has become a fan-favorite in the fanbase of Papers, Please for his extravagantly easy-going attitude.

My suggestion for the campaign therefore is to add 1-2 people with a personality who are iconic and give little sidequests for the player to fulfill for a reward, achievement or a few kind words.

I hope you can take an idea from this and wish you the best health because you truly deserve it for making a great game like this!

(Also i decided to not do this as a rating since i feel like doing a review of 1 singular mode and applying it to the entire game isnt fair, since the game all in all is very good!)


I cant downloud this version without buying the game a second time. I also didn´t had an acount when i bought the game. can someone plsss help me???

Deleted 161 days ago

Im guessing (i have no experience with buying on itch io without an account), that you will need to check your email for the 'receipt' of your purchase. If im right, there could be a download link there. Ideally though you shouldve ofcourse bought it with an account beforehand, but im not judging!

Go to your profile and click "library". Then, the game should appear and you can click "download" !! :) Just click the newest version amd there you go ! :D

How can I download this version without buying the game the second time?


Make sure you are using the same email you used when bought the game.

Download the app (

Log in.

You should see a hub of all PURCHASED GAMES.

Right-click "That's Not My Neighbor."

Click on "Check for updates."

Download the update.

Alternative option:

Uninstall "That's Not My Neighbor."

Download the app (

Log in.

You should see a hub of all PURCHASED GAMES.

Redownload "That's Not My Neighbor."

The updates should automatically download.

If you encounter any issues with the game, please check this vlog: