Read if you have problems with the game


  • "Black line under the cursor". 

You need to update your drivers.

  • "I can't download the game." 

Allow your browser to download the file. Make sure your antivirus is not blocking it. If you don't know how to do it, search on the internet.

  • "I can't open the game." 

Always make sure your drivers are updated. 

-> Windows:

 Check that your antivirus is not blocking it. If you don't know how to do it, search on the internet for how to allow running a .exe file from the antivirus. 

If the problem is with Vulkan, try the following:

1. Open the command prompt ('Windows' + R and then type cmd or cmd.exe)

2. Drag the game file and drop it into the command prompt. In the command prompt, the following should appear:

 (C:\Users\Name>"C:\Users\Name\Folder\That's not my neighbor.exe"-)

 "Name" would be your username.

3. After .exe" write: (--rendering-driver opengl3)

 (The space is necessary, do not copy the parentheses)

 It should look like this:

 C:\Users\Name>"C:\Users\Name\Folder\That's not my neighbor.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3

4. Press enter. The game should run.

 If it doesn't work, then the game won't run on your PC. Proceed to request a refund at using the same email you used to purchase the game and explain that your computer does not support Vulkan. 

-> Mac: 

You must allow execution by passing Apple security, to do this right-click on the game, then run and finally run anyway. 

Another way to do it is as follows: 

Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> "Run Anyway" -> (Enter your password) 

-> Linux: You must download and run it manually.

  • "I can't change the game's resolution back."

 In File Explorer go to: 

C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor 

"Name" is your username.

 Delete the file. 

For Mac or Linux, find the equivalent address.

  • "I want to delete the game data." 

In File Explorer go to:

 C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor 

"Name" is your username. 

Delete the .save data.

  • "The game keeps crashing on me." 

Your PC cannot run the game properly. Proceed to request a refund at using the same email you used to purchase the game and explain that the game keeps crashing.

  • "I can't see the game texts and in the folders it only says something about a demo." 

In File Explorer go to: 

C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor 

"Name" is your username. 

Delete the .save data.

  • "My issue is not listed here."

Proceed to request a refund at using the same email you used to purchase the game and explain the problem you're having with the game.



  • "Línea negra debajo del cursor"

Debes actualizar tu gráfica.

  •  "No puedo descargar el juego"

Permite a tu navegador descargar el archivo.

Verifica que tu antivirus no lo esté bloqueando.

Si no sabes como hacerlo busca en internet.

  • "No puedo abrir el juego"

Verifica siempre que tu gráfica esté actualizada.

-> Windows:

Verifica que tu antivirus no lo esté bloqueando, si no sabes como hacerlo busca en internet como permitir ejecutar un archivo .exe desde el antivirus.

Si el problema es con Vulkan intenta lo siguiente:

1. Abre la ventana de comandos

( 'Windows'+R y luego escribe cmd o cmd.exe)

2. Arrastra el archivo del juego  y sueltalo en la ventana de comandos.

En la ventana de comandos debería aparecer lo siguiente:

 (C:\Users\Name>"C:\Users\Name\Folder\That's not my neighbor.exe"-)

Name sería tu nombre de usuario.

3. Luego del .exe" escribe: ( --rendering-driver opengl3)

(El espacio es necesario, los paréntesis no debes copiarlos)

Debería verse así:

C:\Users\Name>"C:\Users\Name\Folder\That's not my neighbor.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3

4.  Presiona enter

El juego debería correr.

Si no funciona entonces el juego no correrá en tu pc, procede a solicitar un reembolso a usa el mismo correo con el que compraste el juego y explica que tu computadora no soporta Vulkan.

-> Mac:

Debes permitir la ejecución pasando la seguridad de Apple, para esto haz click derecho en el juego, luego en ejecutar y por último en ejecutar de todos modos.

Otra forma de hacerlo es la siguiente:

Ve a preferencias del sistema -> Seguridad & Privacidad  -> "Ejecutar de todos modos"  -> (Escribe tu contraseña)

-> Linux:

Debes descargarlo y ejecutarlo de manera manual.

  • "No puedo volver cambiar la resolución del juego" 

En el explorador de archivos ve a:

C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor 

Name  es tu usuario

Elimina el archivo

Para Mac o Linux busca la dirección equivalente.

  • "Quiero borrar los datos del juego"

En el explorador de archivos ve a:

C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor 

Name  es tu usuario

Elimina los datos .save

  • "El juego me crashea constantemente"

Tu pc no puede correr correctamente el juego, procede a solicitar un reembolso a usa el mismo correo con el que compraste el juego y explica que el juego se crashea constantemente.

* "No puedo ver los textos del juego y en los folders solo dice algo de un demo"

En el explorador de archivos ve a:

C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor 

Name  es tu usuario

Elimina los datos .save

  • "Mi problema no está aquí"

Procede a solicitar un reembolso a usa el mismo correo con el que compraste el juego y explica que el problema que tienes con el juego.



  • "游标下面有黑线。 你需要更新你的驱动程序。"

"我无法下载游戏。 允许你的浏览器下载文件。 确保你的防病毒软件没有阻止它。 如果你不知道如何操作,可以在网上搜索。

  • "我无法打开游戏。 请确保你的驱动程序始终是最新的。"

-> Windows:

检查你的防病毒软件是否有阻止。 如果你不知道如何操作,可以在网上搜索如何允许从防病毒软件运行 .exe 文件。

如果问题出在 Vulkan 上,请尝试以下操作:

1. 打开命令提示符('Windows' + R,然后键入 cmd 或 cmd.exe)

2. 将游戏文件拖放到命令提示符中并释放。 在命令提示符中,应该显示以下内容:

(C:\Users\Name>"C:\Users\Name\Folder\That's not my neighbor.exe"-)

"Name" 将是你的用户名。

3. 在 .exe" 后面写上:(--rendering-driver opengl3)



C:\Users\Name>"C:\Users\Name\Folder\That's not my neighbor.exe" --rendering-driver opengl3

4. 按下回车键。 游戏应该会运行。

如果不起作用,则游戏无法在你的电脑上运行。 请继续在 上使用购买游戏时使用的同一电子邮件地址请求退款,并解释你的电脑不支持 Vulkan。

-> Mac:



转到系统偏好设置 -> 安全性与隐私 -> "始终运行" ->(输入你的密码)

-> Linux: 你必须手动下载和运行它。

  • "我无法将游戏的分辨率改回来。" 


C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor

"Name" 是你的用户名。

删除 文件。 对于 Mac 或 Linux,找到相应的地址。

  • "我想要删除游戏数据。" 


C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor

"Name" 是你的用户名。

删除 .save 数据。

  • "游戏一直崩溃。" 

你的电脑无法正确运行游戏。 请继续在 上使用购买游戏时使用的同一电子邮件地址请求退款,并解释游戏一直崩溃。

  • "我无法看到游戏文本,文件夹中只有关于演示的一些东西。" 


C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\That's not my neighbor

"Name" 是你的用户名。

删除 .save 数据。

  • "我的问题在这里没有列出。" 

请继续在 上使用购买游戏时使用的同一电子邮件地址请求退款,并解释你遇到的游戏问题。

Get That's not my Neighbor

Buy Now$2.99 USD or more


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The DDD is not showing up when i press the emergency button. How do I fix that?

only get a black screen with no way to fix it, nothing has worked. Demo worked just fine.

will it ever come to iPad?


Hello. Android version has a problem. You cant type anything when Chest appears, softlocking the game.

I am using the Linux version of the app and have purchased this game. The linux.rar was able to be downloaded but the 86_64 and demo file are coming up with an error message whenever I try to download them. The game will start but not go past the loading screen. Nothing I've tried will make add the other files to my terminal or itchio files. Is there a possible fix for this? I'm using a chromebook if that helps


I try playing the game but whenever I open it, I get a black screen and the cursor... Nothing here works, and I can't get a refund because when I click the support thing, it shows me a different game I paid for instead of this one... Womp womp

I bought my game a couple of hours ago, and I still cant play it because when it opens, it just shows me a black screen. I tried everything that is mentioned here, but it wont work :c What else could I do?

My game doesn't run on my computer and yet I already paid for it, and I still haven't gotten a refund. What else can I do

en linux no me abre de forma manual me hace buscar un programa para ejecutar el juego

I can't open it on MacBook, it just shows ''can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software'' I updated my MacBook and still nothing. I tried to reset it and still nothing. Can someone help?

I cant get the unlikely achievement, i already got the clown, and the paper, and it is not giving the achievement to me, even though i already interacted with the clown in arcade mode :[


how do you download the new nightmare mode? its not appearing for me

The telephone still won't work for me. I tried everything, and it doesn't show the dialog if someone answers or nothing. I click the "Go Back" button and it doesn't go back. Am I doing something wrong? Please help!

im having the same issue :/

I had to uninstall it. I don't know what to do anymore.

Waiting for the updated file to download to see if there is a fix here but I thought I would express an issue I was having.

Issue in nightmare mode with Quachil Uttaus, everything was correct and I let her in, however I was unalived by her because apparently she wasn't levitating (she was).

Twice I was unalived by Barbatos Barrabam for "wrong tattoos" when they were exactly as per the photo in the folder.

A few other times from other residents too, cannot remember what the issue was exactly or by whom but it was always the first person to be let into the building. Everything matched exactly. 

Made the game unplayable in this mode and quite frankly, annoying for me. If this issue is resolved then fine, cool no stress, I'll just play once it has completed the download, if not then at least the issue has now been raised. 

POV: Chromebook (I can't play sadly =(, looked at the demos first, none work on Chromebook, sad.)


I can't open the game on mac


me either

(1 edit)

me neither

anyone know how to fix this?


They said just get a refund but the refund option doesn’t work

You need to right click on the app and choose "open", the accept the new window, it should work.


how do you download the new nightmare mode? I'm on mac

My issue revolves around an audio bug.  Downloaded the game and all sounds have a sharp constant reverb effect to it.  Any idea on how to fix?

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