Update (

This is the version, some changes are:

* Fixed a bug that didn't display the documents of all the subsequence neighbors when  the go back button on the phone is pressed just before the tone call begins.

If you have already download the game download again and overwrite the file. Save data should stay as it was.


That's not my neighbor.exe 308 MB
Feb 25, 2024

Get That's not my Neighbor


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hi wie kann ich das game updaten ich will es unbedingt weiter spielen mit dem neuen modus aber kein plan wie ich es updaten soll und wo das gehen soll

hi! i downloaded the newest file for windows but when i want to open it it says that it can be harmful for my pc 

lmao how do you update it for the new mode

Hi, go to the email you git when bought the game and download the game again

You don't have to buy it again, you always have access to all file I upload.

Hiii ! I already bought the game back in April. Now there is a new mode (the nightmare mode). How do I get the latest version without paying for the game again  ?

Hi, go to the email you git whrn bought the game and download the game again

You don't have to buy it again, you always have access to all file I upload.


I bought the game how come it’s not letting me play it on my Mac book? Someone help me please 

Hi, I am from the Netherlands and I cant pay by card and PayPal does not work for me, is there ever going to be other payment options for the people in Europe? 

its not the releaser its itch.io sadly they dont have region payments i want the game aswell


oh thank you I did not know that, I hope itch.io adds it sometime

hi i already purchased this game but wanted to update it and i cant seem to without rebuying?


you need to go to your library and download it there


Thanks! i honestly didnt think it would be possible since i didnt sign up i was scared my game would be broken soon


Hello, I had the same problem. how do I go to my library?


I purchased and downloaded this on my hp laptop and android cellphone but once downloaded i can't play it which sucks and sad cause i've been wanting to play this game .


Hello, I already purchased the game and I was wondering it it's possible to download it on my iPad?


If you downloaded on the Mac, open Finder, Control-click the app, choose Open from the menu, and in the dialog that appears, click Open. This should let you play when you finished downloading.


The full game and demo screen goes black when I try to start them. Any ideas on how to fix this?

I believe that means your computer can't run it, and the demo is to test if your computer can or cannot?


i do not know how to download it please help me

hi I am quite confused but how do I save my game? Whenever I click “menu” or “quit”, there’s no option to “continue” where I left off—or am I missing something?

not working for me

how do I get chesters quiz?


There is a chance to him to appear on the arcade mode. if you answer all the questions correctly you get his badge.


if its not working on Mac go to your settings go to privacy and security  go to the bottom and allow the download I hope this helps 


i payed for the game and it wont even let me open it after i downloaded it


so i downloaded the game but now it won’t let me open or play the game i also already payed for it


I can't call the people in the game so if you could fix that it would be much appreciated.

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