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Hey nacho sama I have a question so when the app is all set and is ready to play for free or not, will it be available for android and apple?

The game is cool, good job !

Just wondering, will there be a timed mode? Like see how many you can get right before time is up? That was what made Papers, Please  so this game where they will also eat you it would add a new level of difficulty so just curious. 


i wish you could release it on steam


sorry, edit  can i purchase this on my ipad?

hi, no, it's only for windows, Mac and linux.

Lo juego después de unos meses sin jugarlo, y me ha impresionado!!


I would like to suggest implementing a picture of the doppels pointing out what was wrong with them, if they have any physical appearance change, when the day is over. I get paranoid because I make sure I look at every single detail, and for me to miss something as simple as a “scar” or “wrong chin” etc. makes it kinda seem like the game cheats and manipulates sometimes… please put this in, it would help a lot of us! 

just have a random question and is I playable on mobile now as there is a version on the App Store?? 

The game not running when i download it please refund the money

try to run this program in compatibility mode and the page also said before you buy you need to test it with free demo edition.

I have and it work the non updated version work to but the updated version doesn't work for me and my compatibility won't pick up the application


i watting for a update

W Update for real 🔥

I bought the game and i have the transaction proof but its still saying i need to buy it.

At the top of the page it have to said that you own the game and from there you can download it.

If you didn't have an account when you bought the game then you must have an email send by with a link, from that link you can also download the game.

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hey nacho sama please told you many times that selennes nightmare form is evil its about the upside down cross earrings please put her a different nightmare form im a christant and the anti christ is against god please fix  and update the game so i can play nightmare mode and endless mode please and thank you


hey filthyclownshoes please I've told you many times that Nacho Sama doesn't need to change anything because of what you think. Repeating what you've said over and over is annoying and upsetting. You're being ignorant and rude, and I hope you one day understand how your actions here are not ok. No one owes you anything because of your religious beliefs, and the world is bigger than you and there are many more religions than yours and many contradict your beliefs so unless you're prepared to change everything in your life that offends any of them you should quit expecting anyone else to do the same for you. 

(2 edits) (-2)

its not annoying and upsetting why arent you quit being rude to christans im am a christan and my commenting is not evil


See, there's where you're wrong filthyclownshoes. Your multiple post about this IS annoying and it IS upsetting. You don't get to decide if it is or not. I'm telling you, it's annoying to me. And I say this as nice as possible, I don't care what your religion is. It doesn't matter. Same as what religion I am doesn't matter. Religion is really just about what you feel, your opinion. I said ridiculous things to try and make you think. Even if I say christians are evil... doesn't that matter to you? Will that change your feelings? Probably not. Because it doesn't matter what I think, it doesn't affect you. Same thing with this stupid fucking cross..  you don't like it and think it's so evil it needs to be changed. I'm telling you IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT. I could turn around and say that filthy clown shoes are gross and evil and because of it you should change your name. Does it matter to you how I feel about clown shoes? NO, It doesn't. Should you change because I said so? No. 

Anyways, just get over it man, stop asking about the changing the cross. Just play and enjoy the game. Remember there was a time when the Christian church said Pokemon games were evil and against god too. It was stupid then, and this is stupid now.

you make us christians look bad. i am a christian myself and this game is actually really fun. the developer doesn't care what you think. grow tf up and hate somewhere else. 

Finally got around to play this and I loved it!!

very good quality love the jumpscares! rlly fun overall!

вот что будет если выпить 3 банки лит энерджи 😈 *у соседа

no matter what i will forever love the creators work!

Such an amazing game! I think it would be awesome if there was also a time limit game mode. Cant wait for next updates, youre doing a great work! The art style is also gorgeous 

Great game, but I encountered a bug in the demo. I let Albertsky in and then I also killed Albertsky. It said I killed a neighbor, Albertsky. Which means the one I let in was a doppelganger, but it also said that I didn't let any doppelgangers in.


Shrödingers Albertsky


(offers you muffins because ur kewl)

meow  meomwemwoewmeweowmwoe so coolio :0

I keep getting Yan Luo with "wrong teeth" and it turns out its because she has 6 teeth on her cheeks BUT ONLY ON THE ENTRY PHOTO, I got so close to getting to day 15 on endless mode but then died to that, and I'm pretty sure its unintentional as well.


I think I've encountered a bug, and sometimes my neighbors don't answer my questions directly, they just say, 'So, is everything okay?' even if they are real humans.


Como hago para obtener la ultima actualizacion si ya compre el juego?

Solo tienes que descargar el juego nuevamente, estará actualizado con la última versión.

No debes pagar nada, una vez lo.compraste siempre puedes acceder a todos los archivos subidos en la página.

(1 edit) (-6)

Nacho Sama fix selenne Sverchzt in nightmare mode. I I followed god. The anti christ earrings is against god it really represents evil. Please fix   Her to make the game friendly i been commenting you won't respond me please fix it and thank you . Trust me its evil i rebuke this evil

its a horror game ( kind of )


whats wrong with you 💀


are you talking to me


yes, we all wonder what is wrong with you filthyclownshoes, and how someone can be so socially inept to not see that what you're doing and asking is not ok. 


filthyclownshoes fix your social awareness to understand that spam commenting like this, especially replying to Nacho Sama's comment to someone of a different language in that very language is extremely annoying and rude and tone deaf. I won't stop commenting on every stupid comment you make asking for a change to cater to you because of your beliefs. Please fix yourself and thank you. Trust me you're an embarrassment to well meaning good Christians and I speak for almost everyone who's seen your comments that we rebuke your evil. 

so cheap to buy !

hello I just bought the game and the antivirus does not allow me to install it, I passed this same file through an antivirus and it warns me as if the file had a Trojan.

What can I do?

Hi, the game is 100% virus free, you can read here for any issue with the game:

I understand if you don't feel safe to run the game, in that case you can always request a refund by sending an email to, just use the same email you used when you bought the game!

(1 edit)

ok thank you , now i can install the game more confident  thank you for answer


hey nacho sama look at my comment i just post you. one thing is demonic is anazareth anazarel is wearing upside down crosses which means the anti Christ and its against god please fix the game were its safe friendly game please and thank you


Hey filthyclownshoes look at my comments I just post you in reply to your comments. One thing is the inverted cross is just a symbol that's not hurting you or anyone else, also it's the symbol of Tsirhc, and to change it would be against the one true God. Please fix your brain where it's got enough common sense to understand that what you're asking of Nacho Sama is ridiculous, and so your thoughts are safe and friendly to everyone, not just those who share the same delusion  religious beliefs as you.


Hey you! Henry have a achievement guide for you!


Full gameplay how i got this ending!

(1 edit) (-1)

check out my next guide!

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I love That's Not My Neighbor, it is such a simple yet fun game, the doppelgangers are sometimes horrifying and the milkman is always hot. The Campaign Mode is also such a good update! Some of the endings are really difficult to get, but every time I play it, it's always a new experience with some random new doppelganger that makes me go "huh, wtf is this supposed to be now?!"
I played through the entire Campaign Mode and got All 5 Endings. Here's the full gameplay, edited down into a short video! Hope you enjoy or at least find this video useful in completing all your endings ^-^




check out my  NEW achievement guide

Yo, check this out!

Amazing game to be honest the new update giving new story and lore which is exciting CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE NEW UPDATE:)

Arabic youtuber btw :>

Hello my game isn’t working I tried everything and I need my money back could you give me a refund 

(3 edits) (-13)

hey nacho sama can you make an update about nightmare mode the one problem is that selenne sverchzt,s nightmare form is evil and its offensive and demonic. her name is anazareth anazarel. one evil thing that she has she wear upside down crosses god dosent like it fix the game and put her a different nightmare form the anti Christ is evil   the book of the bible said 

As a teenager growing up in church in the 1980s, I saw a lot of focus on Jesus’ return. People would look at the events happening in the world and try to see how they fit on the prophetic calendar. They expected Jesus could come at any moment; many believed it would happen during that time (and I was one of them). One aspect of Bible prophecy which people especially focused on was trying to figure out who the antichrist was. There were all kinds of rationales and speculations about who he could be. I got caught up in some of the speculations. 

As I have matured in my faith, I no longer focus on figuring out who the antichrist is but on knowing what the Bible says about the antichrist. I would recommend you take this same mindset too. As you read this article, remember this one mandate. We should not spend our time looking for the coming of the antichrist. We should look for and be ready for the coming of Jesus Christ.

The word antichrist means either against Christ or instead of Christ. This word only appears in scripture four times. However, the antichrist gets defined by other names. As you look at the prophetic calendar, the Bible speaks about a period on the earth known as the tribulation. During this period, the antichrist becomes the dominant figure on the earth.

I want to make a distinction because when you learn about the antichrist, there are two aspects you must consider. The Bible refers to the spirit of the antichrist and the person of the antichrist. As we go forward, I will clarify this distinction.

1 John 2:18 helps us both understand the spirit of the antichrist and the person of the antichrist. John says the antichrist is coming, which points to the person. However, he says many antichrists have come, which points to the spirit. Before the antichrist’s arrival,  the spirit of being against Christ (or instead of Christ) will be present on the earth. It is present now. This has been happening since Christ came. Many carry this spirit with them. They are not the antichrist as in the person. However, they are against Christ and look for ways to remove or replace Christ. This spirit is present in our age and will remain even after the person of the antichrist is revealed. 

please make an update cuz upside down cross is evil and offensive please and thank you


It's not offensive, it's just against YOUR beliefs. It isn't even that deep. Play it or don't.


its offensive against my beliefs, so shouldn't it be not offensive for my comfort? it should be nice for EVERYONE to play. Not just you. If you're going to make a game, it should be friendly to all beliefs,races,etc.


You don't have to play Nightmare mode. It'd be a hassle for Nacho to create a patch to change Anazareth's name and appearance to cater to your desires.
Plus, it doesn't even matter if it's "offensive against your beliefs." I could say that Francis Mosses is offensive against my anti-milkman beliefs(This is satire, I am not anti-milkman), and I could request to have him changed to be something else like you asked for Anazareth to be changed to something else- But, Nacho probably wouldn't do it. Why?
Because Nacho Sama does not need to cater to all of her fans.
It's understandable to change something if a major portion of her following doesn't like something, but, from the rest of the comments, I do not see anyone who shares your opinion. It would be reasonable if a majority requested that she change Anazareth, but you are in a very small minority.
Respectfully, I can understand wanting something to be changed, but being this pretentious about it as you have is not the way to go.


you guys have to trust me. the anti christ is against god so nacho sama make an update to make selenne svarchzt a different nightmare appearance. please trust me and thank you


yet athiests are the crazy ones 🙄

No no no, you have it all wrong my friend. YOU have to trust ME! Nacho Sama doesn't need to change it because it's fine as it is. And again as I've said in reply to your other posts, your comments about your god (lowercase G) are EVIL and OFFENSIVE to many, including me. You believe in a false god, an Anti-Anti-Anti-Christ, who is actually the Anti- to my God, Tsirhc, the one true God, who's true name is inconceivable. Please trust me and thank you for your compliance.


It's a horror version, of course there will be "evil" symbols on the nightmare demonic entities and one who creates curses would be ideal for the inverted cross - curses are basically the opposite of praying and blessing and an affront to God so it's an appropriate use. They are also staple horror aspects in media and this is extremely tame and tastefully done, overall this is probably some of the most PG-13 horror in games that I've seen to be honest, no anxiety inducing jump scares, no time pressures and every aspect of the game encourages paying full attention to what you read and tiny details, those make this ideal for older kids and teens, especially when they need to be able to pay attention to detail in their studies and a lot of media doesn't demand much attention at all. Nacho has worked their butt off on this game making sure that some disabilities and phobias are taken care of and having it in different languages (3 at time of comment) to try to include as many people as possible but they can't cater to the whims of every single individual, Let's say for example I was big into paganism and I'd personally like more representation to pentagrams as a religious symbol on one of the more classical demonic looking entities so if they took both opinions at the same time and swapped the inverted crosses here for basic earrings and the earrings of the witch for pentagrams then that would offend someone but for many those are a religious symbol so removing them would then offend someone else who would then want something changing and their change may offend someone else etc - see how that just wouldn't work out on such a large scale with everyone wanting different tweaks based on their own beliefs and feelings? It's a balancing act and so far they're doing a great job :)

They've gone above and beyond for their players so far especially as an an indie dev but not liking a pair of earrings isn't going to be the same priority in development as providing access for different languages, disabilities or making sure phobias aren't triggered by gameplay. Maybe down the line they can release a version stripped of things like this as a menu option but this isn't what the vast majority want for the main game and it doesn't have the same urgency as things like making the game in more languages or providing a version with larger text and images for the visually impaired or keyboard control for those with disabilities that can't use a mouse etc. The reason those take priority is while you can play classic and story mode to avoid the nightmare level's dilemma they can't play any part of the game at all so that needs to be taken care of first. We're very early days in terms of the game but from what I've seen Nacho really listens to feedback, maybe this will be an option once other things are taken care of.

But the inverted cross is the symbol of my God, the one true God, and to change that would be offensive to me. And on that note, your complaining about it is offensive to my comfort. So by your own logic you should stop and delete your posts, they're offensive and uncomfortable.

You might as well email all the horror film directors who use anti Christ symbols in their films about demons. You should know a coin has 2 sides, there will always be people believing the opposite of your beliefs. I seriously don't get how you could get so offended over a pair of earrings that a fictional demonic creature wears. 

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its against god so please trust me


I'll never trust a person who follows God like a lunatic. Of course it's against god, that's the whole point. It's a fictional demon, devil character call it whatever you want. Sadly you're hopeless dude.

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please trust me please i followed god bro. nacho sama make an update make selenne sverchzt a different nightmare form please and thank you


you need lobotomy 

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Hey filthyclownshoes, I saw your post and made an account just to reply. I understand your feelings and where you're coming from with your request. I really do, trust me.

There is one little problem I'm having with your request and I'd like to bring it to your attention. See, the one true God, the only one I follow, says that Christian imagery and quotes from the offensive "Bible" are actually EVIL and the source of all the terrible things in this world.

You see how from my perspective that your replies and comments are actually really evil and offensive and I kindly ask that you delete any that reference the horrendously EVIL and CORRUPT "Christian" ideas or imagery. It is true, trust me, that your so called "Christ" is actually what you think of when mentioning the Antichrist. So what you have been taught to believe is actually a LIE, and it's even in the word, be(LIE)ve. Don't fall victim to the false prophets from your "church" which is actually the staging ground for TRUE EVIL's return.

So yeah, please trust me and stop trying to enforce your religious beliefs onto other people. Because first off it's evil and offensive to expect others to bend to your religious whims, and secondly because the entire concept of religion is man-made, no one has any right over anyone else because their fantasy being said so.

Also Optimus Prime, Duke, He-Man, She-Ra, Lion-O, Voltron, Matt Trakker, Leonardo, Inspector Gadget, Smurfette, Beetlejuice, Danger Mouse, Jem, Rick Hunter, Thundarr the Barbarian, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Heathcliff, Jonny Quest, and even Captain N all agree you should delete all your posts complaining and asking the upside down cross be changed based on your religious beliefs. Trust me, please and thank you.


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