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Hi ! i already buy the game (idk when but arnd 3month later) and i want to install it on my other computer BUT i dont find the email with it so i cant :/

i need some help if somebody can help me,thx :)

Hi, you can filter the mails you recieved, write on the top and it should show you just the mails you get from

If the issue is that you don't remember your email then send one to support and explain the situation, they would ask you some information to verify and may be helpful.

hello! Does the most recent update conclude the game? Or is there still more to come? (Like maybe an expansion on story?) I noticed there was 5 tabs originally which was shortened to 4 for the game modes when the new update game out. although it is quite repetitive, I do enjoy playing it. Just wished for a little more story in campaign mode because getting through 7 days and only having like 3 lines of ending is a little underwhelming.

This game is great; I love the attention to detail required to play well.

There is one detail I find confusing though.  For Quachil Uttaus (in nightmare and endless), how are you supposed to know if they speak telepathically?  I keep killing her because she makes noise and moves her head when she speaks, so I always assume that's not telepathy.  :(

she doesn’t have a mouth which is how she speaks telepathically. If I am correct, there should be no Quachil dopples that will break this “speaks telepathically” rule. Look out more for if she’s levitating and the size of her eyes.

This game is my new obsession as of late, I adore it! 

(2 edits)

I open is on my PC then closes. How to fix?


Read here:


I thought it had a new update

i allready payd for this and its telling me that i need to pay what do i do???


You don't have to buy the game again. Go to the top of the page and where it says "you own this game" you can access the files, you can also go to your library and there you can see the game too. If you don't have an account when you bought the game then use the same link you used back then to download the game again.

how do you get the link you used back then?

When you bought the game should have send you an email with a link to download the game.

(1 edit)

is it that if you buy it without an account i have to buy it again

no, you don't have to, look for the email you got when bought the game, with the link on that email you can download the game again.

This mode was so fun 

This is the best game I've ever played

Hey, I downloaded this after I bought it on another computer, how come I can't purchase it on another computer? @Nacho Sama.

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Hi there @Nacho Sama, hope you're doing good. I

f I were to translate your game to Ukrainian absolutely for free, what would you say?

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I've heard the nightmare mode has jumpscares, can you update the game so there's no jump scares?

Edit: not so there's no junpscares but so I can disable it

I uninstalled it but i cant reinstall it.

Hey @Nacho Sama, I bought That's Not My Neighbor back in May and saw that new updates are out now. I wanted to ask how I can update it if I already purchased it.


Yes, of course! You don't need to buy the game again, just download it again and it will update.

You always have access to the files on the game page when you bought it, if you have an account then go to the games you own and you can download it from there, if not just use the same link you got when you bought the game!

Super funny (and scary) Game!

Hi so I have the most recent version , but Drugia appears with no earrings and when I eliminate her believing to be a dopple it says in the end that ive killed her as a neighbor . I've deleted and re-downloaded the game and I still am having this problem 

Hi, she can forget her earrings at home, so yeah you killed the real drugia :p

That's Not My Neighbor (Steam Version)!!

By Robot Gentlemen, Liam Vickers Animation, iHasCupquake, Nacho Sama.

I got this and fair, it was over earrings and I probably should have asked or called up but I also got Dagda with the crossed stitches in position 2 rather than position 3 like in the file and the game said that wasn't a doppleganger, I was so confused at that one lol

Hello @Nacho Sama I'm sure you get this question a lot, But I was hoping to find out if you are considering releasing the game to Steam? 
If you are, I'd like to hold out on purchasing the game for when/if your game is released on Steam.
Thank you, regardless if you are or aren't, I'd like to support your game because you have something special here.


Hi, I'm not sure if I will release the game on steam, but if some day I do then I will give a steam key for everyone who already bought the game here, for free obviously!

Thank you for taking the time to respond, very happy that you did. I'll be picking up a copy from here today, and it's also really good of you to honour previous purchases too. Best of wishes with your journey as developer, you're doing a great job thus far.


Honestly dude I've played all modes by now and its one of my favorite games. Thank you so much for your hard work! 

(1 edit)

Hi! If you could, please consider releasing this game on mobile as well, I would love to play it :)

Also, there are some clones on the Play Store that are really bad and it worries me how everyone rating those apps think it's the official game, having bad impressions that are not true...

You deserve all the credit and support for this game.

I really enjoyed this game. Its fun to play and challenges me. Thank you for making this game!!

2.99 USD? You are crazy, this game is a masterpice

I cant play the game, as soon as i choose a mode and press play, game crashes

Please read here:

If your issue doesn't solve with anything on there then you can request a refund as the link says at the bottom.

Nightmare mode got me counting fingers!

Hi i purchased the game many months ago on my Mac, how to get the update without repurchasing ?


found it but it will not allow the download

Hi, you need to right click the game, click on open and then click on open anyways.

You can also see other way to do it in the devlog call "Read if you have problems with the game", it is above the comment section.

ela sempre logava no mesmo lugar e logo saia pra se aventurar me aproximei e me perguntou vc por acaso quer me acompanhar so as lendas vao lembrar dessa



I want to play the game, but I can't because I don't want to take the risk of the virus that "That's not my neighbor.exe" file has, which is a Trojan malware that was found with Anti-Virus Checker and Virustotal. Can someone fix or remove it, please?

I know it's ridiculous, but it's still a malware problem


it  has no virus.

What Anti-virus are you using?

windows . But regardless the game doesn't have a virus 

Alright, thank you

Norton Antivirus has never flagged this as having a virus for me, and I've downloaded it more than once (after content updates). I literally just downloaded the new update and although my system asked if I was sure about running it, because it's so new (which mind you, can happen with well known things--my TS2 always had this issue back in the day and I would need to override things), there's been nothing else. Are you sure it flagged it as actual malware?

(1 edit)

Pretty sure, I check it up with some antivirus, and it says that it found a "Gridinsoft {no cloud}/Trojan. Heur!.02252823"

(1 edit)

Thats a false positive get a better anti virus program 

Alright, thank you

The game is 100% free of virus or anything like that, but if you don't feel good about runnig  the game then feel free to request a refund by sending an email to support.

I hope it's not the only option... I want to play the game

I love the game I wonder what the last gamemode is gonna be

Very fun and original concept, I wish choices had more immediate impact in campaign


I really like this game! It took me some time to figure out how to do 'the job' but when you get into it, it's even a bit addictive 🤣I do find it really hard to spot the doppelgangers. The differences can be really subtle and even when I knew what I did wrong after I saw my footage again during the editing of my game stream, I still couldn't see the difference 😅 But as I said: fun game! Looking forward to other games from this developer! I made a Let's Play video to showcase my experience 😊

That's Not My Neighbor ( (Steam version) :)

By Robot Gentlemen, Liam Vickers Animation, iHasCupquake.

From the Creators: 60 Seconds Reatomized & 60 Parsecs.

Huh? I bought this version from itch. The latest version. About a week ago.

I Updated the game but for some reason it is now activating my Microsoft defender and I cant launch the game


Nvm I Figured It Out1

That's Not My Neighbor (V version).

By Robot Gentlemen, Liam Vickers Animation, iHasCupquake.


im trying to get the new update but i cant figure out how to do it can someone tell me how

Make sure you are using the same email you used when bought the game.

Download the app (

Log in.

You should see a hub of all PURCHASED GAMES.

Right-click "That's Not My Neighbor."

Click on "Check for updates."

Download the update.

Alternative option:

Uninstall "That's Not My Neighbor."

Download the app (

Log in.

You should see a hub of all PURCHASED GAMES.

Redownload "That's Not My Neighbor."

The updates should automatically download.

If you encounter any issues with the game, please check this vlog:

the demo doesn´t work :( plis fix that because now I don´t knwo if my pc can run it or not,because it doesn´t open

Hi, make sure to check everything on this vlog:

Thank you for the updates!

Apareció el jefe de los doppelgangers

I really enjoyed your game! It's challenging to try and prevent all the imposters from getting in with a tiny bit of kookiness built in. Please check out my gameplay here: 


Super fun wee game, looking forward to playing the updates

El juego está muy bueno, la dinámica me encantó mucho. Me encantaría una segunda parte con nuevos sustos y mecánicas 

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