Hello, I bought this game over a year ago. I enjoyed watching how other people played it, and I wanted to buy it myself. If I think about it, I couldn't do it because in my country, it's simply impossible to make a transaction directly using any of the available services. But I liked it so much that I found intermediaries from another country to do it and pay for the original game instead of looking for a stolen copy.
It wouldn't have occurred to me to request a refund, especially after so much time. It was fun to play, and I have good memories of it. Recently, I saw a video of people playing the updated version and logged into my account here to check if the update had been released.
It's great that the game is now going to be on Steam, which will be much more convenient for me, and I would be happy to buy another copy there.
I have been playing this games for awhile and when i saw Kubz Scouts played these games i thought it was an update until i checked it and its actually a whole another game on steam. Personally i liked the new game but somehow i prefer the old setup much more. But i definitely won't asked for a refund just for a 4 dollar game that i bought because the creator remake the game on steam. But I definitely would buy the remake and kept the old version still.. I hope the creator of this game is doing well and i hope you put out more interesting game like TNMN. Sending love.
Its three f*cking dollars, ppl. That's literally less than the price of a big mac. Suck it up. If you're actually concerned about such a genuinely small amount of money, you shouldn't be spending it in the first place.
It's not the money bruh it's the feeling of paying for a game that will be discontinued in less than a year and released on another platform as a """"""""""remake"""""""""" just because the creator wants money. It's the fact that now because the creator now says that yeah you bought the game some time ago, but haha guess what, you're not getting more updates, now buy it on steam haha. Why? Why would I buy it on Steam if maybe next year you're discontinuing it and releasing it on Epic Games maybe? That's not the right way to earn money dude
It is a remake. Its a different build. The itcho version uses a different version of Godot. The Steam version is a different version. Look at the local files if you don't believe me. It even plays different. They are separate builds.
No its not about the god damn money its about this game being marketed as an updated version and then not being an updated version. This waste of space of a creator just wants extra cash thats all they're good for anyways.
Game was not marketed as anything you just said. It was marketed as a remake. and it is a remake. if he wanted extra cash he wouldn't of discounted it for $3, a favor he didn't have to do.
Y'all, i went back to this page because i miss the moment when i bought this game for the first time last year ago, but i can't believe the situation that's happening in this page right now.
I totally get it if you're disappointed with the remake version and wanted a refund because you bought twice, i get it if you're disappointed because nachosama didn't do much research before he promised the Steam keys and itch.io refund rules, but do you have to be this harsh toward him? Do you have to point out his mistakes that much? I honestly don't get that kind of behavior. When nachosama updated the itch.io version till the Campaign Mode, he didn't ask you to pay more, but when he wants to expand the game to Steam and the remake didn't went out as much as you expected, you decide to backlash him this much because you don't want to spend your money for it. He literally made the game himself alone and some of you literally treating him like a big company that's scamming you.
I get it if you don't want to lose your money and wanted a refund even when nacho already stated that he couldn't, but trying to point out his mistakes and putting him down will NOT going to make the situation any better, it will only discourage him to continue TNMN and i freaking don't want that to happen because this game literally have so much potential, he's literally an indie dev, developing the game alone. If you're truly a real fan, you will understand his mistake, remind him and give constructive criticisms so he will do better next time. Give him a break.
Nachosama, if you read this, please IGNORE the rude comments and keep doing what you love, continue working on TNMN if you want to. As a huge fan, i REALLY love your game, i don't want to see it being abandoned because of this situation, i understand your mistake and i hope you will be more careful next time. Wish you all the best and take a long break if you need it, take your time! ❤️♠️
Thank you so much for your nice comment, but I am afraid it is too late, as you mentioned I am discourage not only for working on TNMN but on any other future game, at least for public projects.
Since I released the first TNMN game, the most common feeling I had was stress. I thought that I just make a little fun project as my other games and it was done, but since it took me a long time to make I want to try earn something from it and decided to ask for a little amount of money, I never thought that my game will be as popular as it is now, it was very overwhelming and then people just started to asking for more and more and more, but it doesn't seems to be never enough and after all the free work I made and all the new work I did for the remake so people don't feel like they are buying the same thing, people just came here and demands more with the excuse of having supported the project and for that reason I owe it to them, like if had the game for like a year with free updates wasn´t enough, or like if buying a product because their favorite content creator play it was support a project, 90% of the people who bought the game did it because they want it, not because they want to support my work.
I was just a dude who wanted to share his work.
I don't want to deal with this again, people don't care about my work, there are even people that has been stealing my game to publish it elsewhere, people only care about money and free stuff. I am so disappointed, I am sorry for the people who genually cares about my work, but this is too much for me.
I'm really sorry to hear what you've been going through, if you want to take a break from all of this situation, then it is absolutely okay, it is very understandable for the sake of your well-being. Some people can be really mean sometimes and they didn't even think twice before giving out their comments. Just please don't push yourself and you don't have to tell them the same thing if they keep complaining the same thing, they just can't read and understand what you've stated, your well-being is what really matter to us, the real fans will still be with you no matter what, so don't let all of the hates get to you. Best of luck and i hope that you can recover from all of this! ❤🤞
Why should he name it to TNMN 2? He decided to remake the game because he wants to TRY something new, expand his game for another platform so his game will reach out more people than just releasing it on itch.io. It will be sounds more like a sequel rather than a remake if he needs to add the "2" like that while he already stated that the remake is still going to be similar to the original but with new features and lore. I know that the remake is not really enough yet, it lacks some lore and og features from itch.io version, but i believe if people didn't backlash him that much, he will be more motivated to improve the game based on the constructive criticisms. Remaking and adapting the game to another new platform still needs a LOT of effort after all even if you think it isn't enough, so i think it's pretty fair if he wants to charge the game again since he doesn't ask for extra everytime he updated the itch.io version to Campaign Mode and i literally wouldn't mind to pay again if he also decide to update the game in here and charge it more.
I'm sorry for all the rude, disrespectful, and harassing comments that you have been getting recently. From what I have read, I understand that you promised a Steam Key for those who bought the original content so that they didn't have to purchase the game again. However, I also understand that this was a misunderstanding of Steam's policies AND that you apologized for your mistake. While I understand why people are upset, there is no reason to fight and gripe with you about it.
Destroying a person's passion for making and sharing their games is beyond cruel.
I highly doubt that they will understand that though, as they are more concerned about the X amount of money that they paid is "going to waste." It is not like you were asking for a lot, just a few dollars to support the project. But some people are treating you like a large game studio that asked for x10 the amount of money, then made empty promises about a new update or sequel that turned out to be the exact same game in a new package. That is not what happened.
You stated explicitly that the steam version was not an update. You apologized for an unfortunate misunderstanding regarding the policies. You're even charging the same price for the game instead of up-charging it!
Some people enjoy being cruel to others, and sadly you became a target of that. And as you stated yourself, the majority of people who bought the game purchased it because they wanted it, not because they wanted to support you. Many of us understand that what has already been said cannot be undone. There will still be ignorant people that treat you like a farm for new game content, rather than a person.
Your community, the ones that realize that you are a person; the ones that respect and value your work, can only hope that you do not stop making games altogether. We understand if you need a break too. This situation would be hard on anyone. Hopefully it will all die down sooner rather than later.
I am a Chinese player and this game is also very popular in China. Thank you for updating the Chinese version. There is a novelist in China whose fans are always obsessed with the first book he wrote. In order to please their fans and make money, he keeps updating it and eventually earns a lot of money. However, the content updated afterwards is very repetitive and boring. I think earning money and self-expression may be contradictory.
I agree with you on almost everything, but even without blaming Nacho for what happened, the fact remains that I spent x money and now I am forced to spend it again if I want to play the same game that I already own but on another platform, which can also be okay if we want, because we are talking about another client, I understand, BUT from now on, I personally will NEVER spend another cent on Itch.io (the real culprit here) and therefore for any other game developer on this platform since sooner or later I will find it on steam, and I don't think this plays in favor of small indie developers
So, you're basically saying that you don't want to buy games on itch.io anymore because it might ended up on Steam as well? It's fine i guess, it's your choice after all and i'm not going to argue with that.
But, i'm just here to remind people that Nachosama started making TNMN as a small dev here and he didn't expect that it becomes viral so he expanded the game for Steam because he wants to try something new. Once the remake dropped, people started complaining because itch.io users wanted it without having to buy twice (and it's bc of free Steam key he promised) while he already stated so many times that he can't do that and both are different version, remake is not an update from itch.io version.
And also, imo, IF they truly support the dev's hardwork, i don't think they have to be so afraid to spend their money as long as the dev just trying his best with his game. As a huge fan, i've been saving my money if the dev decide to charge the game more, but the fact that he didn't ask for more money when itch.io was updated from Nightmare till Campaign Mode is already more than enough for me and i was really grateful that Nacho still decided to remake the game, until all of the backlash started happening in here. 💔
I genuinely hope people will just understand his mistake because it's truly heartbreaking to see this situation. I hope he's okay, all of my friends even hope that he can recover. For once again, thank you Nachosama, we really appreciate your hard work and we wish you the best! 🙏❤
Since you're clearly responding to every f*cking possible person with even a hint of criticism just take this as a sign to shut up once and for all. This game creator wants money and nothing else all they had to do was update the game into the remake on here and there wouldn't have been a problem. Just because you like a game/game dev doesn't automatically make them a good person. Saying you're a huge fan doesn't get people's money back and YES people are complaining about 3 dollars because no matter the amount of money it is, it's still their money that they wasted because of a scummy f*cked up developer who wanted a quick grab at some cash. Stop fooling yourself into thinking that everyone's a good person because there are literally so many fixes for this issue that the creator decided to not do. The remake is nothing but the original game with a few addons. So let that be known. Maybe take your mouth out of his pants for just a second so you can use your brain properly and realize what's going on. Happy spending.
"Maybe take your mouth out of his pants for just a second" yo, what the fu- OKAY. First of all, that's clearly a HARRASMENT & GROSS. Second of all, are you literally throwing all of this so you can shut my mouth??? No, LMFAO, NO ONE CAN SHUT MY MOUTH 🔥🔥🔥
I'm standing up for Nachosama and a lot of "real" TNMN fans outside this page because he clearly NEEDS it. People literally didn't give him A BREAK to improve the game because a lot of people TOO focused to the Steam key and refund situation, and yet, what's your point in this argument now? All i see is harrassment rather than a counter. "It's still their money that they wasted because of scummy f*cked up developer who wanted to a quick grab at some cash" SO??? ARE YOU SAYING THAT THEY PAID $3 FOR NOTHING??? Everytime Nacho updated his Itch.io game, HE. DID. IT. FOR. FREE. but, you're saying that like he literally stole your money and gave you nothing??? Holy damn 💔 Nachosama also wanted to move his game to Steam because CLEARLY THAT PEOPLE STOLE HIS GAME MULTIPLE TIMES, he wants to avoid PIRACY and Steam has STRONGER security than Itch.io, that's why he ended up expanding the game to Steam as well because he wants to TRY something new, and if you still going to argue with that point??? Then you clearly just don't have a basic knowledge about copyrights at this point and i honestly feel so bad if you don't even have that LMAO. 💔💔💔
Also, it seems like, you're trying to shut me up with the same "bomb of texts" energy but you FAILED. MISERABLY. You only dare to harrass me and swearing in here because lots of people here are also disagree with Nacho. That's such a coward move honestly, you don't even dare to say all of this in another social medias and TNMN fans out there because you know that people will literally gonna ratio'ed you so bad, maybe even worse than what you're trying to say here.
Stay mad and have a ✨NICE DAY!!!✨ i hope you at least read my bomb of texts even though i doubt that you can understand or even read it, LMAO 😀✌
unfortunately they falsely advertised twice. they deserve the criticism in this case. it sucks that it isn't entirely their fault, but they still did wrong.
Of course that he deserve some criticism here since he did some mistakes and admitted it, but the problem is, people literally pushed him TOO much, they didn't give him a break, that's not just right. If you want to give him criticisms, then do it in a constructive way, not just pointing out his mistakes while he couldn't really control it anymore, not to mention that some people even insulted the remake so bad, imagine having to face all of that both from Steam and Itch.io when he already worked so hard and hoping that his game would be popular again, knowing that only to be ended up in such horrible situation like this. I can't imagine the problems this dude have to endure during all of this negativity, i hope he really take a break from this.
They don't deserve THIS much criticism though. His promises weren't empty, they were ill educated. He has apologized and done all he could, but that still makes people lose their minds some how.
Before you write an unnecessary comment asking for a refund read the last post on the development log above the comment section to see why is not possible.
Sorry but I bought the game may 2024, giving you support and trust, and now I find myself with a client that will never be updated because only the one on steam will be? It doesn't seem fair to me, even if it's a small amount of money
I re-purchased the game on steam. I'm pretty disappointing with a lot of the unnecessary changed. However I do find it odd that if nacho (The developer) REALLY did want to give steam version of the game away for free but couldn't due to steam limiting keys.
Why didn't he just update the itch.io version to be the latest version that we see on steam? That way everyone is happy... no? Like am I crazy with that suggestion? That feels like the most reasonable thing to do.
(He wouldn't have had to tell everyone he'll refund them then? Then cause himself even more mess when he realized he couldn't refund people)
Instead the itch.io version will no longer get updates and the only way to get the newer version of the game is to re-purchase it. Yes it's $3 but I'm just confused on the front nacho is putting on to say he wanted to give the newest version of the game away for free. When if that was the case he'd just give it free on itch? Which is exactly what the buckshot roulette developer did. He didn't give a steam key away for free but he gave everyone still future updates on itch.io to show he supports and appreciates his original fanbase.
I don't know. If he believes his steam release has enough to warrant a re-purchase than that's fine. I'm not here to debate that. However, why doesn't he just say that? When that feels like it's clearly the case with him turning a blind eye to simply uploading the new game on itch for players to play?
I really enjoyed this game on steam. Seriously it feels like a lot of people are losing their mind over what kinda feels like nothing. Yeah it kinda sucks that it isn't available on itch,io anymore, but in the grand scheme of things, its 3 dollars for a game that you got to enjoy. And for everyone who claim that he "promissed refunds then went back on it" are just cherrypicking details, he explains in his most recent post WHY he is unable to give out refunds and it's not his fault. Remember guys, this is ONE PERSON who made all of this, not some huge team with tons of money and budgeting and resources. I just want you to know that not everyone is angry at you about this, and that I'm a big fan of the project. Keep up the awesome work, don't let this get you down.
Ok but hear me out. Why not just update the itch.io version to the latest version on steam.....hes willing to give refunds but even buckshot roulette still respected its itch.io player base and continued to give its updates on itch for free without forcing platform switch and repurchase.
That's a fair perspective. I get that it's a frustrating situation, and I'll admit, I don't really understand the logic behind removing this version of it off itch.io. I don't really understand that logic, and I can understand those frustrations. I just think that a LOT of this hate he's receiving is a little bit overblown, and I can't help but feel bad for a small developer who seems to be trying his best, but has made mistakes. I do appreciate your more fair perspective though, I've just seen SO MUCH hate being thrown or a lot of the anger just felt overblown, so I couldn't help but want to make a supportive statement because I didn't want this dev to just feel like he's drowning, because as a creative myself, I can empathize with how crushing that can feel.
I just question if its another game then why is this game not buyable? Its kind of forcing others to buy the remake right? And not giving them a choice really
I can't believe i came to this page to find a bunch of people suddenly bashing Nacho Sama and requesting refunds because... there's a steam version available now? The game cost like $3 and you still have a fully playable game that will remain the game you got into and love.
The steam version is a separate version with changes from the original. Available as a separate purchase so you can play the new version or the one you already enjoy.
For $3. This isn't a AAA big studio $70 title, it's barely a coffee. Relax. Buy the steam version and try a slightly different version, or load up your itch copy and play the game you love. You have what you paid for what is y'alls problem?
they did not go back on it intentionally if you paid any attention to what they've been doing. Itch will not approve his refund requests if they are over 90 days old.
I don't know about you, but I *never* saw an offer to refund just because it went to steam until people started complaining they didn't have the steam version here. I can't imagine how much this guy has stressed himself out over people by the hundreds hounding him over $3 when they have the option to play two fully developed games for a grand total of $6. Seriously, anyone complaining they need a refund or bashing on the creator for this need to touch some grass and live in reality again.
Why not just release the steam version on itch.io for itch.io users to download. People keep saying "but its only $3". That applies both ways. If its only $3 why is the developer simply not updating the itch version. Itch people were promised free updates if they buy the game yet are no longer receiving these free upates? It doesnt make much sense to me. This whole situation wouldnt be an issue if the update to the game was given to itch users aswell as released on steam.
Please, tell me more about you feel paying someone pennies for their time spent developing something you can enjoy for hours is wrong
Again. This isn't some corporation with a team. It's one guy doing what he can with what he understands about the policies of each of the store and made some hiccups. Treating his game like it isn't worth the price you paid is garbage behavior. You have a fully playable game on itch. And another version on steam. This isn't even the first game to release varying versions across stores?
you still are avoiding the important point of. Why didn't he simply release the steam version on itch.io. nacho comes off as disingenuous simply because he claims he wanted to give the steam release to all itch.io players for free but couldn't due to limited keys. If that's true and he does want to give the game from. Why not just upload it to itch for itch players. He's contradicting himself. If he wants that extra $3 just say "I think the steam release has enough to warrant another $3". Like...be honest with the fans. Even more so the itch.io fans.
Literally buckshot roulette gave itch.io a free update on steam release. This scenario is no different.
There's no "understanding policies" when a very clear and easy solution is to either tell everyone outright "Ok I lied. I don't want to give the game out for free and was cockblocked by steam. I just think it has enough to warrant a re-purchase". Again him being blocked by steam simply makes no sense when the alternative solution is to simply update the itch.io version to what we see on steam.
Hi can you please put back the itch.io version of the game to purchase? I'm a new fan of the game and would really like to play, but I only have a Mac. Which, doesn't run with the new version on Steam. Please and Thank you!
I know... Im honestly shocked. I bought the game off steam without even realizing that it's not even compatible with Mac. Still wanted to support tho, so I don't mind. Just hoping that I can purchase the itch.io version of the game.
Well he realized he couldnt give a refund if it'd been longer than 90 days. Still entirely his lack of research. Hes already flopped on some promises so hes kind of dug himself a deeper hole from simply not quickly investigation if itch had a refund period. I feel bad but equally man should really stop speaking without checking things out first. Promised steam keys into a promised refund without checking if either were possible.
It is when you're lying brother. Just leaving this comment here to make sure no one gets tricked by you. He did not go back on it. If you bought the game more than 90 days ago, you're not getting a refund. He can't do anything about that. He even explains it in the devlog. Do your research, don't listen to random trolls on the internet like this guy.
He could refund people outside of the system (which he would be legally obligated to) but he's choosing not to. I'm tired of people defending bad behavior. It's happening way too fucking much and I'm sick of people letting others get away with evil. I hope you die.
← Return to game
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Hello, I bought this game over a year ago. I enjoyed watching how other people played it, and I wanted to buy it myself. If I think about it, I couldn't do it because in my country, it's simply impossible to make a transaction directly using any of the available services. But I liked it so much that I found intermediaries from another country to do it and pay for the original game instead of looking for a stolen copy.
It wouldn't have occurred to me to request a refund, especially after so much time. It was fun to play, and I have good memories of it. Recently, I saw a video of people playing the updated version and logged into my account here to check if the update had been released.
It's great that the game is now going to be on Steam, which will be much more convenient for me, and I would be happy to buy another copy there.
I have been playing this games for awhile and when i saw Kubz Scouts played these games i thought it was an update until i checked it and its actually a whole another game on steam. Personally i liked the new game but somehow i prefer the old setup much more. But i definitely won't asked for a refund just for a 4 dollar game that i bought because the creator remake the game on steam. But I definitely would buy the remake and kept the old version still.. I hope the creator of this game is doing well and i hope you put out more interesting game like TNMN. Sending love.
Its three f*cking dollars, ppl. That's literally less than the price of a big mac. Suck it up. If you're actually concerned about such a genuinely small amount of money, you shouldn't be spending it in the first place.
It's not the money bruh it's the feeling of paying for a game that will be discontinued in less than a year and released on another platform as a """"""""""remake"""""""""" just because the creator wants money. It's the fact that now because the creator now says that yeah you bought the game some time ago, but haha guess what, you're not getting more updates, now buy it on steam haha. Why? Why would I buy it on Steam if maybe next year you're discontinuing it and releasing it on Epic Games maybe? That's not the right way to earn money dude
It is a remake. Its a different build. The itcho version uses a different version of Godot. The Steam version is a different version. Look at the local files if you don't believe me. It even plays different. They are separate builds.
No its not about the god damn money its about this game being marketed as an updated version and then not being an updated version. This waste of space of a creator just wants extra cash thats all they're good for anyways.
The creator says he just wants to show their ability to make games as it is really hard, not to make money
Game was not marketed as anything you just said. It was marketed as a remake. and it is a remake. if he wanted extra cash he wouldn't of discounted it for $3, a favor he didn't have to do.
is there a way to link our old achievements/record to the steam version
Hi, no, the game on Steam is another game, it is not an update, so it is not possible.
dang :/ thank you tho!
Y'all, i went back to this page because i miss the moment when i bought this game for the first time last year ago, but i can't believe the situation that's happening in this page right now.
I totally get it if you're disappointed with the remake version and wanted a refund because you bought twice, i get it if you're disappointed because nachosama didn't do much research before he promised the Steam keys and itch.io refund rules, but do you have to be this harsh toward him? Do you have to point out his mistakes that much? I honestly don't get that kind of behavior. When nachosama updated the itch.io version till the Campaign Mode, he didn't ask you to pay more, but when he wants to expand the game to Steam and the remake didn't went out as much as you expected, you decide to backlash him this much because you don't want to spend your money for it. He literally made the game himself alone and some of you literally treating him like a big company that's scamming you.
I get it if you don't want to lose your money and wanted a refund even when nacho already stated that he couldn't, but trying to point out his mistakes and putting him down will NOT going to make the situation any better, it will only discourage him to continue TNMN and i freaking don't want that to happen because this game literally have so much potential, he's literally an indie dev, developing the game alone. If you're truly a real fan, you will understand his mistake, remind him and give constructive criticisms so he will do better next time. Give him a break.
Nachosama, if you read this, please IGNORE the rude comments and keep doing what you love, continue working on TNMN if you want to. As a huge fan, i REALLY love your game, i don't want to see it being abandoned because of this situation, i understand your mistake and i hope you will be more careful next time. Wish you all the best and take a long break if you need it, take your time! ❤️♠️
Thank you so much for your nice comment, but I am afraid it is too late, as you mentioned I am discourage not only for working on TNMN but on any other future game, at least for public projects.
Since I released the first TNMN game, the most common feeling I had was stress. I thought that I just make a little fun project as my other games and it was done, but since it took me a long time to make I want to try earn something from it and decided to ask for a little amount of money, I never thought that my game will be as popular as it is now, it was very overwhelming and then people just started to asking for more and more and more, but it doesn't seems to be never enough and after all the free work I made and all the new work I did for the remake so people don't feel like they are buying the same thing, people just came here and demands more with the excuse of having supported the project and for that reason I owe it to them, like if had the game for like a year with free updates wasn´t enough, or like if buying a product because their favorite content creator play it was support a project, 90% of the people who bought the game did it because they want it, not because they want to support my work.
I was just a dude who wanted to share his work.
I don't want to deal with this again, people don't care about my work, there are even people that has been stealing my game to publish it elsewhere, people only care about money and free stuff. I am so disappointed, I am sorry for the people who genually cares about my work, but this is too much for me.
I'm really sorry to hear what you've been going through, if you want to take a break from all of this situation, then it is absolutely okay, it is very understandable for the sake of your well-being. Some people can be really mean sometimes and they didn't even think twice before giving out their comments. Just please don't push yourself and you don't have to tell them the same thing if they keep complaining the same thing, they just can't read and understand what you've stated, your well-being is what really matter to us, the real fans will still be with you no matter what, so don't let all of the hates get to you. Best of luck and i hope that you can recover from all of this! ❤🤞
Bruh just releasing TNMN 2 instead of saying this one is discontinued and you will be continuing it at Steam would've fixed some things
Why should he name it to TNMN 2? He decided to remake the game because he wants to TRY something new, expand his game for another platform so his game will reach out more people than just releasing it on itch.io. It will be sounds more like a sequel rather than a remake if he needs to add the "2" like that while he already stated that the remake is still going to be similar to the original but with new features and lore. I know that the remake is not really enough yet, it lacks some lore and og features from itch.io version, but i believe if people didn't backlash him that much, he will be more motivated to improve the game based on the constructive criticisms. Remaking and adapting the game to another new platform still needs a LOT of effort after all even if you think it isn't enough, so i think it's pretty fair if he wants to charge the game again since he doesn't ask for extra everytime he updated the itch.io version to Campaign Mode and i literally wouldn't mind to pay again if he also decide to update the game in here and charge it more.
The remake doesn't have enough new things to call it a "sequel"
Plus its not even a sequel either so it wouldn't make sense.
I'm sorry for all the rude, disrespectful, and harassing comments that you have been getting recently. From what I have read, I understand that you promised a Steam Key for those who bought the original content so that they didn't have to purchase the game again. However, I also understand that this was a misunderstanding of Steam's policies AND that you apologized for your mistake. While I understand why people are upset, there is no reason to fight and gripe with you about it.
Destroying a person's passion for making and sharing their games is beyond cruel.
I highly doubt that they will understand that though, as they are more concerned about the X amount of money that they paid is "going to waste." It is not like you were asking for a lot, just a few dollars to support the project. But some people are treating you like a large game studio that asked for x10 the amount of money, then made empty promises about a new update or sequel that turned out to be the exact same game in a new package. That is not what happened.
You stated explicitly that the steam version was not an update. You apologized for an unfortunate misunderstanding regarding the policies. You're even charging the same price for the game instead of up-charging it!
Some people enjoy being cruel to others, and sadly you became a target of that. And as you stated yourself, the majority of people who bought the game purchased it because they wanted it, not because they wanted to support you. Many of us understand that what has already been said cannot be undone. There will still be ignorant people that treat you like a farm for new game content, rather than a person.
Your community, the ones that realize that you are a person; the ones that respect and value your work, can only hope that you do not stop making games altogether. We understand if you need a break too. This situation would be hard on anyone. Hopefully it will all die down sooner rather than later.
Best of wishes
I am a Chinese player and this game is also very popular in China. Thank you for updating the Chinese version. There is a novelist in China whose fans are always obsessed with the first book he wrote. In order to please their fans and make money, he keeps updating it and eventually earns a lot of money. However, the content updated afterwards is very repetitive and boring. I think earning money and self-expression may be contradictory.
So, you're basically saying that you don't want to buy games on itch.io anymore because it might ended up on Steam as well? It's fine i guess, it's your choice after all and i'm not going to argue with that.
But, i'm just here to remind people that Nachosama started making TNMN as a small dev here and he didn't expect that it becomes viral so he expanded the game for Steam because he wants to try something new. Once the remake dropped, people started complaining because itch.io users wanted it without having to buy twice (and it's bc of free Steam key he promised) while he already stated so many times that he can't do that and both are different version, remake is not an update from itch.io version.
And also, imo, IF they truly support the dev's hardwork, i don't think they have to be so afraid to spend their money as long as the dev just trying his best with his game. As a huge fan, i've been saving my money if the dev decide to charge the game more, but the fact that he didn't ask for more money when itch.io was updated from Nightmare till Campaign Mode is already more than enough for me and i was really grateful that Nacho still decided to remake the game, until all of the backlash started happening in here. 💔
I genuinely hope people will just understand his mistake because it's truly heartbreaking to see this situation. I hope he's okay, all of my friends even hope that he can recover. For once again, thank you Nachosama, we really appreciate your hard work and we wish you the best! 🙏❤
Since you're clearly responding to every f*cking possible person with even a hint of criticism just take this as a sign to shut up once and for all. This game creator wants money and nothing else all they had to do was update the game into the remake on here and there wouldn't have been a problem. Just because you like a game/game dev doesn't automatically make them a good person. Saying you're a huge fan doesn't get people's money back and YES people are complaining about 3 dollars because no matter the amount of money it is, it's still their money that they wasted because of a scummy f*cked up developer who wanted a quick grab at some cash. Stop fooling yourself into thinking that everyone's a good person because there are literally so many fixes for this issue that the creator decided to not do. The remake is nothing but the original game with a few addons. So let that be known. Maybe take your mouth out of his pants for just a second so you can use your brain properly and realize what's going on. Happy spending.
"Maybe take your mouth out of his pants for just a second" yo, what the fu- OKAY. First of all, that's clearly a HARRASMENT & GROSS. Second of all, are you literally throwing all of this so you can shut my mouth??? No, LMFAO, NO ONE CAN SHUT MY MOUTH 🔥🔥🔥
I'm standing up for Nachosama and a lot of "real" TNMN fans outside this page because he clearly NEEDS it. People literally didn't give him A BREAK to improve the game because a lot of people TOO focused to the Steam key and refund situation, and yet, what's your point in this argument now? All i see is harrassment rather than a counter. "It's still their money that they wasted because of scummy f*cked up developer who wanted to a quick grab at some cash" SO??? ARE YOU SAYING THAT THEY PAID $3 FOR NOTHING??? Everytime Nacho updated his Itch.io game, HE. DID. IT. FOR. FREE. but, you're saying that like he literally stole your money and gave you nothing??? Holy damn 💔 Nachosama also wanted to move his game to Steam because CLEARLY THAT PEOPLE STOLE HIS GAME MULTIPLE TIMES, he wants to avoid PIRACY and Steam has STRONGER security than Itch.io, that's why he ended up expanding the game to Steam as well because he wants to TRY something new, and if you still going to argue with that point??? Then you clearly just don't have a basic knowledge about copyrights at this point and i honestly feel so bad if you don't even have that LMAO. 💔💔💔
Also, it seems like, you're trying to shut me up with the same "bomb of texts" energy but you FAILED. MISERABLY. You only dare to harrass me and swearing in here because lots of people here are also disagree with Nacho. That's such a coward move honestly, you don't even dare to say all of this in another social medias and TNMN fans out there because you know that people will literally gonna ratio'ed you so bad, maybe even worse than what you're trying to say here.
Stay mad and have a ✨NICE DAY!!!✨ i hope you at least read my bomb of texts even though i doubt that you can understand or even read it, LMAO 😀✌
The creator said he just wants to show his games, please don't harass the creator just because they released a remake.
Honestly, the game creator is completely warranted to that money.
If the creator wanted money so bad then why is this game not
available to download at itch.io? Why did the creator put a
discount on the steam game?
unfortunately they falsely advertised twice. they deserve the criticism in this case. it sucks that it isn't entirely their fault, but they still did wrong.
Of course that he deserve some criticism here since he did some mistakes and admitted it, but the problem is, people literally pushed him TOO much, they didn't give him a break, that's not just right. If you want to give him criticisms, then do it in a constructive way, not just pointing out his mistakes while he couldn't really control it anymore, not to mention that some people even insulted the remake so bad, imagine having to face all of that both from Steam and Itch.io when he already worked so hard and hoping that his game would be popular again, knowing that only to be ended up in such horrible situation like this. I can't imagine the problems this dude have to endure during all of this negativity, i hope he really take a break from this.
They don't deserve THIS much criticism though. His promises weren't empty, they were ill educated. He has apologized and done all he could, but that still makes people lose their minds some how.
Before you write an unnecessary comment asking for a refund read the last post on the development log above the comment section to see why is not possible.
Refund Lolee09
Refund weidxjulia
Refund heaven-sent
Refund nikowskyy2
Refund me, i purchased this, but i hadnt log in to my account. Thank you
Refund StablerMarmot7
I re-purchased the game on steam. I'm pretty disappointing with a lot of the unnecessary changed. However I do find it odd that if nacho (The developer) REALLY did want to give steam version of the game away for free but couldn't due to steam limiting keys.
Why didn't he just update the itch.io version to be the latest version that we see on steam? That way everyone is happy... no? Like am I crazy with that suggestion? That feels like the most reasonable thing to do.
(He wouldn't have had to tell everyone he'll refund them then? Then cause himself even more mess when he realized he couldn't refund people)
Instead the itch.io version will no longer get updates and the only way to get the newer version of the game is to re-purchase it. Yes it's $3 but I'm just confused on the front nacho is putting on to say he wanted to give the newest version of the game away for free. When if that was the case he'd just give it free on itch? Which is exactly what the buckshot roulette developer did. He didn't give a steam key away for free but he gave everyone still future updates on itch.io to show he supports and appreciates his original fanbase.
I don't know. If he believes his steam release has enough to warrant a re-purchase than that's fine. I'm not here to debate that. However, why doesn't he just say that? When that feels like it's clearly the case with him turning a blind eye to simply uploading the new game on itch for players to play?
Refund SrMimimi
Refund BryanZC
Refund bewinxxy
Refund CheeseDunkie
I really enjoyed this game on steam. Seriously it feels like a lot of people are losing their mind over what kinda feels like nothing. Yeah it kinda sucks that it isn't available on itch,io anymore, but in the grand scheme of things, its 3 dollars for a game that you got to enjoy. And for everyone who claim that he "promissed refunds then went back on it" are just cherrypicking details, he explains in his most recent post WHY he is unable to give out refunds and it's not his fault. Remember guys, this is ONE PERSON who made all of this, not some huge team with tons of money and budgeting and resources.
I just want you to know that not everyone is angry at you about this, and that I'm a big fan of the project. Keep up the awesome work, don't let this get you down.
Ok but hear me out. Why not just update the itch.io version to the latest version on steam.....hes willing to give refunds but even buckshot roulette still respected its itch.io player base and continued to give its updates on itch for free without forcing platform switch and repurchase.
That's a fair perspective. I get that it's a frustrating situation, and I'll admit, I don't really understand the logic behind removing this version of it off itch.io. I don't really understand that logic, and I can understand those frustrations. I just think that a LOT of this hate he's receiving is a little bit overblown, and I can't help but feel bad for a small developer who seems to be trying his best, but has made mistakes.
I do appreciate your more fair perspective though, I've just seen SO MUCH hate being thrown or a lot of the anger just felt overblown, so I couldn't help but want to make a supportive statement because I didn't want this dev to just feel like he's drowning, because as a creative myself, I can empathize with how crushing that can feel.
The reason is because it is another game, not an update.
I just question if its another game then why is this game not buyable? Its kind of forcing others to buy the remake right? And not giving them a choice really
refund CooledHarry
the steam one isn't the same man I wanted this one but its not letting me man
I'm confused. You can still download your copy. Be Cool!
I can't believe i came to this page to find a bunch of people suddenly bashing Nacho Sama and requesting refunds because... there's a steam version available now? The game cost like $3 and you still have a fully playable game that will remain the game you got into and love.
The steam version is a separate version with changes from the original. Available as a separate purchase so you can play the new version or the one you already enjoy.
For $3. This isn't a AAA big studio $70 title, it's barely a coffee. Relax. Buy the steam version and try a slightly different version, or load up your itch copy and play the game you love. You have what you paid for what is y'alls problem?
For context, Nacho offered refunds, then went back on it.
they did not go back on it intentionally if you paid any attention to what they've been doing. Itch will not approve his refund requests if they are over 90 days old.
I don't know about you, but I *never* saw an offer to refund just because it went to steam until people started complaining they didn't have the steam version here. I can't imagine how much this guy has stressed himself out over people by the hundreds hounding him over $3 when they have the option to play two fully developed games for a grand total of $6. Seriously, anyone complaining they need a refund or bashing on the creator for this need to touch some grass and live in reality again.
Why not just release the steam version on itch.io for itch.io users to download. People keep saying "but its only $3". That applies both ways. If its only $3 why is the developer simply not updating the itch version. Itch people were promised free updates if they buy the game yet are no longer receiving these free upates? It doesnt make much sense to me. This whole situation wouldnt be an issue if the update to the game was given to itch users aswell as released on steam.
Please, tell me more about you feel paying someone pennies for their time spent developing something you can enjoy for hours is wrong
Again. This isn't some corporation with a team. It's one guy doing what he can with what he understands about the policies of each of the store and made some hiccups. Treating his game like it isn't worth the price you paid is garbage behavior. You have a fully playable game on itch. And another version on steam. This isn't even the first game to release varying versions across stores?
you still are avoiding the important point of. Why didn't he simply release the steam version on itch.io. nacho comes off as disingenuous simply because he claims he wanted to give the steam release to all itch.io players for free but couldn't due to limited keys. If that's true and he does want to give the game from. Why not just upload it to itch for itch players. He's contradicting himself. If he wants that extra $3 just say "I think the steam release has enough to warrant another $3". Like...be honest with the fans. Even more so the itch.io fans.
Literally buckshot roulette gave itch.io a free update on steam release. This scenario is no different.
There's no "understanding policies" when a very clear and easy solution is to either tell everyone outright "Ok I lied. I don't want to give the game out for free and was cockblocked by steam. I just think it has enough to warrant a re-purchase". Again him being blocked by steam simply makes no sense when the alternative solution is to simply update the itch.io version to what we see on steam.
I was gonna ask for a refund but it is THREE DOLLARS on steam lmao, you can keep my money you've more than earned it
Bought on steam :)
Hi can you please put back the itch.io version of the game to purchase? I'm a new fan of the game and would really like to play, but I only have a Mac. Which, doesn't run with the new version on Steam. Please and Thank you!
There's a free online version. Seems no different than this version.
That's not legit bro
How so? I have all the versions and it's no different online.
Because it wasn't published with the consent of Nachosama. Really you can't stop it so its more just a code of honor and good manners to not play it.
Imagine opening up a game you find so popular to see everyone asking for refunds. Like great gumballs what is going on?
I know... Im honestly shocked. I bought the game off steam without even realizing that it's not even compatible with Mac. Still wanted to support tho, so I don't mind. Just hoping that I can purchase the itch.io version of the game.
For context, Nacho offered refunds, then went back on it.
… Are you serious?
it wasn't entirely their fault, but it did happen.
Well he realized he couldnt give a refund if it'd been longer than 90 days. Still entirely his lack of research. Hes already flopped on some promises so hes kind of dug himself a deeper hole from simply not quickly investigation if itch had a refund period. I feel bad but equally man should really stop speaking without checking things out first. Promised steam keys into a promised refund without checking if either were possible.
Imagine providing 0 context for bait.
Stating a true fact is apparently bait now.
It is when you're lying brother. Just leaving this comment here to make sure no one gets tricked by you. He did not go back on it. If you bought the game more than 90 days ago, you're not getting a refund. He can't do anything about that. He even explains it in the devlog. Do your research, don't listen to random trolls on the internet like this guy.
He could refund people outside of the system (which he would be legally obligated to) but he's choosing not to. I'm tired of people defending bad behavior. It's happening way too fucking much and I'm sick of people letting others get away with evil. I hope you die.
This is the superior version.
Please refund Itzz_Abisk8tr
Refund please my user is Misplaced_organs
Id like a refund, Username is some0n3
I'd like a refund please, Username: Bei_0
Hey, are you going to have this available for Mac for Steam? Purchased it there before realising that it's not available on my platform. :(
I'd like a refund please, Username: ArenS14
URL: https://arens14.itch.io
I'd like a refund please, Username: Hobicatado
I'd like a refund. i dont have it on steam and i need to buy it again. plus im on mac where steam dont have this version to downloud. im dissapointed.
user: juras_oguras
I'd like a refund please