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Great game,The idea is awesome and the game is fun.Loved it!

love this game so much! Thank you for not letting the game die and continuously giving us new content!!

that's my neighbour

(2 edits)

Hi! I'm having a problem with the Steel Memory achievement on the new patch. I can't get the achievement even when I let EVERYONE in without touching anything in the office aside from the open door button. I've been doing this 3x already and can't still get the achievement.

If you let everyone in then you let a doppelganger in so that's why you are not getting the achievement.

Ah thank you! Weird I didn't get it the first time I tried.

Honestly this game is the gift that keeps giving, absolutely fantastic, and really enjoyed the campaign section and just adds more depth to an already brilliant game, well done devs honestly you outdone yourself!

I can't complain (and shouldn't) about the update. It's literally free content with no price increase to the game. However I guess it just comes down to overhyping myself. I thought the new game modes would be in the style of when nightmare mode came out. Whole new lot of people with different things to look out for.

!!!Somewhat Spoilers!!!

The 2 new modes are fine but they're just Arcade mode and nightmare mode except they last longer (basically). One being infinite/until you die (nightmare/endless) and one being arcade mode except over 7 days with a little more lore. It does have the new mechanic of people from previous days who died being now dead for the rest of the campaign. So if you let a dopple in they'll kill their roomates or if you simply kill an innocent nieghbor they no longer will show up.

Again I CANNOT complain really. It's a free update and it does add to the game. I just overhyped myself and made the assumption the two new modes will be whole new characters to identify and play with.

The endless mode does feel odd considering you could have just made it so when you click on nightmare mode their could have just been a check box to make it endless? A whole tab to be endless feels odd.

With that said a "Custom" mode with tick boxes to change how it plays could be amazing. Even things like ticking off what can be different. So if you just want it to be physical changes you can untick everything but physical changes.Would also work really well as a practice mode.

campaigning against doppelgängers

Hi, I remember that there were 5 game modes planned and now there are 4 lol, if you want ideas, take a game mode where the neighbors are robots, aliens or animals to vary a bit. Another idea, that the game selects a model of the characters at random, and that is the real one, the others are fake, it would be strange to see that the real neighbor is the multi-eyed one lol.

what do we do if we have bought it before but downloaded it on a different computer

use the email wich was sent the first time you buy the game

thank you. also, this is a great game! I really like in depth things, like the possibility of forgetting the hat and stuff.

(1 edit)

Hi! I just saw the news about the update and patch. How do I get the game to update? I went to the devlog about the patch but I don't see anything to download it. Do I have to buy the game again?

Edit: Okay so I saw an comment asking a similar question. But when I right click on it, I don't see "check for updates". Is there another way to do it?

don't buy the game again! go to the game's main page and at the top there should be a banner that says "you own this game" along with a download button! click 'download' and choose the option that matches your computer. if you don't see it, make sure you're logged in with the same email that you bought this game with. good luck!! 

Thank you! I didn't see the banner for some reason! Gonna download it now! One question though. Do I delete the older one?

no problem! and yep! delete the old file of the game

Got it! Thanks again!

He jugando ya un rato al modo historia y la verdad es que no se si soy yo que me he vuelto muy manco tras no jugar con los personajes normales en mucho tiempo o que el modo campaña es mucho más difícil detectar dopplegangers porque al menos a mi me lo parece xD

hey so I bought this game months back and I remember being to successfully update it when nightmare mode and all that came out but now I just can't figure it out?? I made an account just to ask this question; I bought the game without an account before and was able to download the update without an account I've tried going to purchased games but it isn't there helpppp


when you bought the game you get a email from with a link to download the game, there you can download the game again.


How do i re-download the new update? I have tried, but all it says is that i need to buy it again, even though i already have?


You don't have to buy the game again.

Download the app (

Log in.

You should see a hub of all PURCHASED GAMES.

Right-click "That's Not My Neighbor."

Click on "Check for updates."

Download the update.

Alternative option:

Uninstall "That's Not My Neighbor."

Download the app (

Log in.

You should see a hub of all PURCHASED GAMES.

Redownload "That's Not My Neighbor."

The updates should automatically download.

If you encounter any issues with the game, please check this vlog:


thx, it worked

Deleted 18 days ago

I tried right clicking it; i didn't work.

Really loved this new update! Adds new lore that was much needed to the mystery of the game! Didn't go as far as adding new doppelgangers, that I noticed at least, but a very much needed endless mode and campaign to the game!!

Hi! Writing due to what I think is a bug ^_^

Upon playing Campaign mode I repeatedly have been getting doppelgangers that are not actually doppelgangers? The first time I assumed it was just fault of my own (Elenois with apparently wrong eyes) until I kept getting multiple of the same perfect neighbor and kept getting them as wrong eyes; even with neighbors that can't have wrong eyes.


Hi, I added some new hard variations to the doppelgangers for the campaign, similar to the nigthmare mode, that elenois doppelganger just have the eyes a little bite down than the real one.

Muy buenas! Hay un bug  en la nueva version, resulta que si que juegas en el modo campaña, si detectas un doppleganger o como se escriba cuando se poner por falta de documentos, este acaba matandote aunque llamas al D.D.D, solo me ha pasado en el modo camapaña y mas de 2 veces!

Hola, gracias, lo voy a revisar!

Deleted 19 days ago



I was here before the update!!

NachoSama, thank you for making this game, I've had the chance to meet and befriend many cool people and join a super awesome community, can't wait to see  future projects!! :D


ayoooo its me! Generalissimomayhem!


need Android! need iphone! wanna play it on pad and phone!

need it on iPad too!


on the new software update of Mac (Sequoia) the game i'snt open good, I try on an older version and works fine. Ty I hope you got a fix. 

stuck on arcade mode help?


Let's get more new contents for this game!

 If you follow the Dev on instagram you'll see all the stuff that will soon be added :D

(1 edit) (+2)

So far, this game has been fun! I received a recommendation from a friend - which is how I signed up for in the first place!

It's worth the money! The game is entertaining, has a great visual design, it's funny, requires good matching & memory, and I do want to continue working on achieving different Ranks and Achievements. Thanks for the game!


Really fun game! I enjoy it a lot. I've recommended it to my friends. Here are a few quality-of-life comments/suggestions:

1.) Allow us to use the numpad on our keyboard to dial the phone. Dialing the rotary phone was fun and retro at first, but I got sick of it pretty quickly. I know it's not historically accurate but who cares? It makes thinks clunky and slow. Speaking of that...

2.) Allow us to summon the DDD by just pressing the button. Having to press the button AND call them is redundant and slows the game down. 

3.) Allow us to change the length/duration of a game. Currently I believe it sends about 10 total people per game. It would be nice to have longer games or 15, 20, 25, 30, etc.

4.) Add Nightmare-level difficulty with "normal" people too. I was hoping that Nightmare difficulty would just be the normal people but with crazier doppelgangers + immediately being killed. The current Nightmare mode is fine too, but maybe call it Monster Mode or Evil Mode or something?

5.) Add more variety to the ways that doppels can trick us, and more subtle ways too. I've played dozens of games already but only seen doppels with the wrong ID numbers 1 or 2 times. I also saw a doppel with a misspelled name once... that would be another good, subtle clue if it appeared more often. Another one would be simply making them get other facts wrong, like giving the wrong job, the wrong apartment number/floor, etc. Also, minor visual clues like a twitching, blinking, drooling, etc. Lots of fun new ways to make doppels and to have them get discovered!

6.) There are a few minor mistranslations for English that I've noticed. At first I thought these were clues that people were doppels but after seeing them enough, I realized they were just simple grammar mistakes. I don't say this to be rude! I am willing to send you a list of these mistakes if you like, free of charge. I am a native English speaker with a university degree in English language and linguistics. Please let me know if you'd like any assistance fixing some of the grammar in the game.

Thanks again for this game, it's really fun! Doppelganger/impostor horror is one of the creepiest types of horror imo, so thanks for creating this game!


1) As much as not having to manually dial would be a nice quality of life change I do think it would take away from some of the charm. Maybe after earning a certain number of wins the phone can be replaced with a numberpad phone instead? Just a thought.

2) Again I think it adds to the charm. It slows you down sure but for me that's the feel the game is giving. The steps of closeing the shutter, picking up the phone and then manually dialing the DDD all feel like a way to pace the game out. I do see how it gets tedious after doing it 100 times however. (I myself have put a good amount of time into the game)

3) Would be a cool change I agree.

4) Yeah I also think this'll be pretty cool. Make the noraml difficulty super hard and much more subtle changes. (as a seperate mode or difficulty slider)

5) Think you've just been lucky/unlucky. I've had loads of wrong names and numbers. Heck some rounds I don't get a single appearence difference and all just document based changes. "like giving the wrong job, the wrong apartment number/floor, etc" They can have the wrong reason where it says "My apartment is floor 3 room 2". Sometimes that can say the wrong place. I agree on the apartment number and job though. I always check these just encase but they're always right.

6) Oh interesting! I've never noticed any myself (Native english speaker) but i'm just likely too ignorant to pay attention.

One quality of life change i'd like to personally see is the ability to cross people off the list. If I let someone in I think it'd be cool if I could open the list back up and just cross that person off. However I do see why maybe this won't be a good idea because at the momen the lack of ability to do this does add to having to memorize who you have and haven't let in yet. It also gives you an exucse to call their apartment to check if you already let them in. So this might not be a great quality of life change.

Something that could also be cool is the ability to earn money? Then spend that money ON quality of life upgrades. So like mentioned before about a numpad phone or like i just said with crossing people off. The ability to buy a numpad phone with points earned from playing or a pen would be kind of cool. Would make the game feel like there is more of an "end goal" even if it's to just unlock things.


after download it and I tried to open it always show this up. can anyone help me pleaseeeeee.   

“That's not my neighbor-2” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.

Hi! You need to bypass apple security, you can do it by right clicking the game, click on open and then on open anyways.

You can also see other way to do it in the description on the game page in the devlog call "Read if you have problems with the game"


loved the newest updates to the game! i also thought it was super cool to play unlikely in the game lol. keep the awesomely designed neighbors coming!! thanks nacho sama !!

The Devil is indeed in the details! 

Hey! The game is great but there is one small issue, the phone does not always work. Sometimes it works fine but other times the issue occurs and the only way to fix it is to quit and restart. I looked into it and saw that it may be an issue with the fixed camera but I tried turning that off too and it still does not work. I am playing on Mac and it seems this issue seems to mainly occur on Macs.

if you  change the size of it  in settings and then put it back to the orginal size you'll be able to use the phone. hope this helps!

also im on mac so i have the  same problem lol ;-

;-; *


hi, I’m in Australia trying to buy this game on Windows. Everytime I try to pay for it, there is some error with my card or the processing and it just won’t work. Is that because I’m in Australia?


Can you release this on Steam please

Hey, i dont know if its a bug or just my game but Roman came to the window without a hat and when i called to talk to his wife if he left it at home she didn't talk about it, even after i asked him about it. It could be just my game but still want to tell you. Thank you!

I've had some dopplegangers do that. When I ask them about their appearance, they usually say that they left it at home and to just trust them. When I then called their wife to check, it was never brought up.

how do i upadate cuz idk how to do it bru

Go here ->
Click the Download button under That's Not My Neighbor


Hey, I admit I haven't played the game yet, (saw some let's plays though) but I recently found there's a website (thatsnotmyneighbor dot org) that's posting your game for free. I found them because they are also posting my game for free, with an AI-generated description to boot.

Great work... reminds me of a game called Behind Enemy Lines. Great and entertaining game. I recommend you try it.

Play now

(9 edits) (+1)(-1)

First wanna say I genuinely love this game, the art style, sense of humor, and genuine detail required in pattern recondition are all super fun! It's something I play regularly and intend to continue doing so. However the one thing that really needs changing or removal is the nightmare clown. It's extremely disheartening to do everything right down to the last detail only to get beaten by a random number generator. Plus I think the game's RNG is bugged or is using AI training, as after the first three wins against the clown I've lost over a dozen times. Never winning even a single round. I've deleted and re-downloaded the game twice and this is still the case. I never even have a chance anymore. Every time I get a high card he gets either a +1 or wild. As much as it's good to cross promote games please remove the clown or make saying no actually get him to leave. It utterly ruins the nightmare mode experience. Won't be playing nightmare mode until the clown is removed or fixed to be much more fair.


Dear NachoSama. I appreciate the effort you put in the game. But the game is primarily a pattern recognition game. As such, I would appreciate an option to bypass the clown, as that is a different game all together. If I had wanted to play a casino style game, I would be playing one of those instead. It is rather frustrating to make it through nightmare by actually paying attention and engaging in the mechanics, only to lose because I now have to play a game steeped in RNG, that has nothing to do with the rest of the game. Could you please put an option in to disable the Clown?

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