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Hey man, didn't know where I could reach you about this, so I'll do it here.

Are you interested in translating the game to Brazilian Portuguese?


Great game. Made me laugh way too much when I got 4 Izaak's in one day. First a half-dead one, then the real one. Then some people go by, then one doppleganger, then I was like "what happens if the window is already closed when they show up?"... Nothing happened, so I opened the window and it was another Izaak. Gold.

Keep up the good work! Looking forward for new update!


i didnt know there was swearing so that kinda makes me mad  since family friendly and i dont know hwo to enter after i leave


Under the ‘before you buy’ section of the page it mentions this game isn’t family friendly: “Despite the cartoony graphics this game has some elements of body horror, blood and other themes that are not considered for a child.” ^^


The demo worked for me but the game wont load past the warning screen :/ is there anything I can do to fix it?


An update idea: New Level/ Apartment with New Neighbours and Dopples. I'm unsure what the road map is for the game, but I'm greatly enjoying it!


What will any of the updates consist of? If there aren't any updates, I don't mind! I just noticed there's a bunch of other game mode things, and I'm curious what it'd entail! Love the game, and I love Francis WAY too much.♥︎

Quiero descargar el juego pero ni siquiera me deja pagarlo porque son dólares, ¿Cómo lo hago

necesitas una tarjeta de credito para poder pagarlo 


So, I accidentally killed Mclooy after he claimed he had an emergency at work even though he's supposed to be retired. Can you make it so only his Doppelgangers say that?


Any chance to release it on Steam?


From what I know, putting a game on Steam is hella expensive. I don't know how this guy's been since this game got some attention, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. At the very least, not until a "full version".

Deleted 141 days ago
Deleted 141 days ago

Great work, the phone is janky buggy. It's annoying but sitll 10/10 keep it up!

The main bug I get is that at some point it will just do a dead dial tone no matter what you dial and for the rest of the game it will do that. You can't exit the phone either without pressing escape to get to the menu. Once you chose continue the phone is hung up but it will never be useable for that run.

yo pad but i didn't get the gam

did you check your library?

fantastic game


any idea when the next update will be? would love to see more


someone pls shut this guy up




Good question, it's called "making a living." Any other questions? 🙂


do u not have $3? are u that broke or?


it's 3 bucks. go do your homework so you can get a job in 7 years so you can afford it 


What, you expect everything to be free for you? Sorry mommy wouldn't let you buy it, but honestly that's just your own personal issue. And chances are, you wouldn't say this on any of the major games, so why this one? Oh, that's right, you're probably jealous that one person can actually make great things, meanwhile you're still over here sucking your thumb. It's a cheaply-priced well-made game, so just get over yourself.


ye ye, but there are better games for free ngl, you all yapin a lot my fellas


ok, then go get those better games. or do you just want this gme for free.


Not surprised coming from a furry

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

Knowing that the game is a paid game, there is a website that uploaded the full game and said version can be played without installing anything. It is not locked behind anything and it prevents you from getting any profit.

The website seems to use the facade of your game to promote a bunch of poorly made mobile games, which is just insulting to see.

Edit: I might have written my message wrong. What I want to say is that it's sad to see a free copy of the game out there on a website that promote weird and poorly made games without the creator's consent when the game is affordable and worth its price tag. I love the game and bought it personally. I simply wanted to write this comment because I can't really directly contact the dev, so this is the best I can do.

(1 edit) (-30)

well you must be fucking stupid to think its also okay for someone to pay for a cheap (as in cheap assets) and easy game


@JasonPAGE Dude, get over it. I don't see the problem in paying a small price for a good game, and nobody else (but you) does either. If you don't want to pay, then suck it up and leave. No one is forcing you to buy the game. 


Reported haha

(1 edit) (+8)

who the fuck are you reporting lmao you're the one going after people for spending their money how they want? and why tf are you wasting time going through every comment and downvoting it. get a life.


For such an established accout to behave like that eh? What a turd. I reported them for trolling and then gaslighting threatening to report others. You can't actually do that it's in the TOS don't expect this lumpkin to know that.


oooof yeah read their profile. That's where I directed everyone else to.


Fucking shame on your mom. What a creep.


womp womp, if you think it is not worth the price, don't play it

it also shows a lot about you if you think that a small, independent creator doesn't deserve to be paid for the job that they did

nobody loves you


This happens to a lot of games but I don't see you commenting on them, could you do that then come back here after you try to hold people responsible for shit they aren't responsible for? You attracted a weird troll becaues you're being a dick.

(1 edit)

Let me try to explain what I said.

First of all, I commented on this because I bought the game and enjoy it. Since I can't really directly contact the game dev, I had to leave a comment. You don't see me commenting on them because I either haven't played them or I haven't stumbled on it when looking up the game to try and find the page (when looking up the game on google, the first link is not this page, but the fake page.)

Second, I'm holding no one responsible for anything, I'm just pointing out something that is sad to see: an awful website that uploaded the game without, assumingly, any consent. I don't know if I phrased it badly, but I'd feel insulted if someone did that when the author clearly put a price tag so that people can pay and play a game they're proud to make.

If the dev comments on this and says that the website is allowed to upload the game for free, then I will gladly delete this comment. Until then, that's my stance on it.

P.S.: It's a good thing that I attracted the troll, because now it's easier for us to report his toxic behavior.


Aw man it's this early in the morning and I was (soundly) shown that I missed the point entirely LOL I totally reversed uno you in my head and that IS my bad, sorry.

I saw the responses, so I know you realized your mistake. I would though like to point out: Troll was already being a troll before. Don't blame this guy for it lmao


Yeah true! I was like "who's enabling this troll?!" And then I'm sitting there, had some coffee thinking to myself wtf?! About myself lol!




I can't get the game through email even if I buy the game twice


I play on Mac and my game keeps bugging on phone calls, itll let me do like 2 of the 4 numbers but then wont let me click anymore, how do i fix this?

it only happens when full screen as your mac will think you're trying to go to the bar of apps. take it off fullscreen then put it back on fullscreen and that should help the issue as I had the same one : )

thank you so much! owe u my life lmao


Everything is fine :)
(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Second time posting here but ive noticed something else!

I just got a case where Gloria was on my list for the day, but when i called her apartment she and arnold were already home. Is that a typical part of the game, or is it a bug?

It's a part of identifying mimics. Even if everything else checks out, this could give out the perfect doppelgangers

Alright sick! I figured it was to add to the challenge, how sneaky!


is there any news on the next update dont mean to be a burden just aint heard about it in a whil


Can you add a tryphophobia option, because there are some dopplegangers with small holes and it made me puke almost


There's already an option! If you go into options, then accessibility option (wheel chair icon) it will be the third check box down from the top. Hope this helps!


Omg really? Thanks :)


Please being free im want play


love this game

but uh good game, I love it keep da good work up :D


DoubleGangar!?? OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 muy dificil ):


Hey there, Ive been experiencing a bug and just want to see if there's a way to troubleshoot!

i'm playing on the Mac version, and for some reason, every few playthroughs, the phone just totally stops working. Like, I can open and exit the phone, but it wont let me dial any numbers. The only way ive seemed to get it to work again is to exit to the menu and go back in to a new playthrough. Any advice?

hey bud. I'm playing on Windows, so I can't be sure if this'll work, but I found another comment where someone else on Mac complained about another phone bug, and this was another Mac user's response:

"it only happens when full screen as your mac will think you're trying to go to the bar of apps. take it off fullscreen then put it back on fullscreen and that should help the issue as I had the same one : )"

maybe check if it works for your bug too


I suggest endless mode to see how long you can go without making a mistake. Only problem would be running out of neighbors


To aid in repeats, could just add a small cut for it to be like a different day. That way, it can tally how many days you can go as well. 

This would be interesting for the dev to add! :)


Buenardo el juego, un concepto más que interesante y te sabe enganchar. Tiene una buena medida de comedia con horror body y otros elementos de suspenso que te puede hacer jugar con una risita y que de repente te erize los vellos de todo el cuerpo. Tiene una amplia cantidad de logros para ser solo un modo arcade de momento; es un juego bastante completo para jugar una y otra vez. Me gustaría que en un futuro agregaran más logros y dinámicas para hacer más variada la rutina a seguir como portero del edificio.

¡Nacho-Sama, esperamos con ansias una actualización! pero ante todo priorizamos tu bienestar y la calidad que busques darle a tu proyecto, así que tómate tu tiempo que aquí andamos chill con los fanarts y fanfics, pa.

PD: me quiero dar fuertísimo al lechero, no pido perdón.

pone el juego pa steam porfa wnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Looking forward to the next update.

Someone knows when it will be update this awesome game?


Nah, but it seems like it's one developer only-type of game so it might be a long wait


how do i play nightmare mode


if i had to guess i would say the whole class: find the mod yahooooo

but more serious i think you need to find the mod

i can't run it eventho i have opengl4.3

look this tutorial:

or look here

Read if you have problems with the game - That's not my Neighbor by Nacho Sama (


I got it working 


Bought this earlier today and I am loving it so far! 

So hyped for future updates keep the good work up Nacho!

(Also just might be me, but this game is kinda easy, hope we get a harder mode in the future)

9/10 Would recommend.

You're right tho but it's kinda cool cuz it's possible to trust maybe a bit too much and end up tripping so bad since you only need one mistake to die lol

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