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Game was worth every penny i spent its a fun chill game to play!

did the halloween mode get taken off? or the mode where you immediately die?


how do I get onto the game? I’ve downloaded everything 

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It says something about drivers but im not sure what that is


Extract the files bro..


show me a video how to do that pls


I have no clue what that means

Idk if you figured this out or not by now. The file is zipped when you download it. It genuinely looks like it has a zipper across it. just left click on the file and you should have an "Extract All..." option, press it. It'll produce a duplicate of the file that is unzipped which you can access and find the game file in. I'm not great at tech nor explanations but hope this helps even a little.


please read here:

(1 edit)

i bought this game a few months ago how do i access new updates

i have since found out im stupid i figured it out.

Hi, you just need to download the game again and that's all.

The new donwloaded file will be update it, the more update file is the one without nuymbers on the file name.


how do I download the game again

(1 edit) (-1)

why is it not sending me an gmail help pls does this mean i have to delete it

Hi, you can contact with and ask for help

Hello, I own this and bought it with this Gmail and it still says I don't own it  I only have the nightmare update i really wanna try to the new one but I'm very confused please try to help in anyway 

Hi, check on the library of your account, the game have to be there.


i played this game a year ago, and now i came back to it but its showing me a black screen. i can hear the audio of clicking the journal or some buttons in the game, but there is no display, just the audio. if my PC was able to run the game before, would there be a possibility that it cant run it anymore? how do i resolve this issue? please help:((


Hi, check if you need to update your drivers, this may fux the issue.

Hi, did that and still no screen. anything else?

(1 edit)

Having the same issue, I'll let you know if I find a fix



I love this game! can I ask how's going the new version that will be released on Steam? it will be out in 2025?

Hi, thank you!, it is going very well! The plan is to get it done for 2025 so yes, you can see a little bit of how the game is going on my ig story if you want: 

thank you!

Are there going to be any further updates to the versions of the game, or is that effectively frozen?


Hi, I'm currently working on a new version that it is goind to be release on steam only, so for now the itch one won't  have any updates.

How can i update the game?


Download the  file without numbers on the name and overwrite the last downloaded version of the game that you have.

Hey i have question if it will be this game on steam but i will have it on itch io will it get updates on steam and itch io ? because i dont know if it will be worth to buy on itch io or wait for steam release,


Wait to the steam release, because that version is not compatible with the one on itch, so it is better to wait for the steam version, because it is a better version and also at launch will be cheaper than this one, because it will be release with 40% discount for 7 days

do you know when the one on steam will be released by any chance?

how do i catch a doppleganger red handed

alright never mind i just got the achievment


what day does that's not my neighbor release on steam?

Hi! I'm just asking to be sure, I already bought the previous version of this game but do I need to buy the game again after the released update? Thnx!

(1 edit)

If you are referring to the steam version, then yes. The game that will be release on steam is not the same game that is here, it is like a remake/reboot.

If you are referring to the updates that are published here on itch then no, when you bought the game you have access to all the files that I uploaded here.

already bought but wont let me access


try what is in here:

Hi, I am a mom that purchased this game for my kid, and we can’t figure out how to get it to work. My guess is that it cannot be played on an iPad? Can someone please help??? Much appreciated!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I'm sorry, the game only runs on computers, (windows, Linux or Mac)

You can request a refund by sending an email to, just explain the situation and ask for the refund.

Hi! I always get an error when trying to play the online game. Anything i can do to still play?

  • This game is worth its price. 
  • When the next game comes out on Steam, it'll be worth the purchase. They've said "the steam version is not the same game, it will be better, with new mechanics, better user interface, more languages, new game modes and more," and "The new game on Steam is going to be released with a 40% discount for 7 days and with that discount and localized prices, the game is going to be cheaper than this one." At 40% off for the first week for a new version of this game - it sounds like a great deal! :) Looking forward to the next one!

se puede jugar con controles


Tried out the demo and had enough fun with it to grab the full version. Can't wait for the Steam release, good luck!

Una pregunta, ¿Cuanto tiempo se demora procesar la compra del juego?

Debería ser casi que inmediato, si tienes algún problema con la compra puedes pedir ayuda enviando un email a

I tested on multiple linux distros, windows 10 and windows 11 machines, but couldn't get it to work on either of them. Trash.

Hello sir, Can I ask how can you create for sound effect, I really like your sound effect tho, Thanks for answering

Hi, I didn't understand what was your question haha, but if you are asking on what program I use it is Audacity, and some sfx that I used are from a website call I look for sfx that are free to use and I edit them on Audacity, there are other ones that I recorded by myself.


whats good Game dev to game dev here i use godot aswell and i would encrypt the game because people can decompile the game and get the code with one click using things like so PLEASE remember to encrypt your game ive seen to many developers get there code leaked PLEASE

Thank you for the advice, I will see what can I do :)

Also excuse me for asking what software did you use for spriting i cant find any good ones except Aseprite wich is not good for high quality games

(Also if u can what did you use to animate i love the sprites and animations) :)

I use clipstudio paint for all the art, but you can use similar ones that are free, and for animations I do almost everything on Godot with the animationPlayer node.

(2 edits)

Ty i just bought clipstudio paint ex ill give it a shot :) (If you want any help with encrypting the game i can show you a really good way my discord is fatalliar ) <- use VMprotect i dont fully know if that will work with godot but it does with most engines :)

There is also this (

how can u only give 100 keys? Battlebit was able to provide access key to everyone who decided to support it via patreon.

Nacho Sama

Who are the 100 people who will be giving away Steam keys?

And do I need to link my Steam account to my account to receive the Steam keys?


It won't be fair to give away the keys randomly to a few of you, everyone has the same right to get a key but since I can't give a key to everyone I will use the keys to promote the game aka youtbers/streamers.

I'm so sorry, believe me that I would give a key to everyone if I could, that was my first intention but I didn't know about the Steam policy about keys at that moment, I hope you can uderstand my position.

Nacho Sama

staalalex wrote:

When this game officially comes out on Steam, will you be giving out keys to people who bought the game on

He said:

No, we can't. Steam only gives out 100 keys, so we can't give them to everyone.

But other than that, the Steam version is not the same game, it's a better game. It has new mechanics, a better UI, more languages, new game modes, etc.

Does this mean I have to buy the game on Steam again...?

Yes, but you are not buying the same game, it is other, see it like a sequel or a remake, so you are not buying the same thing twice.


if the game fully releases on steam wil you give out keys for the people who bought it on

I can't, Steam only allow to give away 100 key at max, so it won't be possible to give a key to everyone. 

But, besides that, the steam version is not the same game, it will be better, with new mechanics, better user interface, more languages, new game modes and more.

can’t you let us pay like a few euro or dollar more to get the game cheaper then buy it fully again?

The new game on Steam is going to be release with 40% discount for 7 days and with that discount and localize prices the game is going to be cheaper than this one.

no me deja entrar al juego, se me pone la pantalla negra y me saca y solo me pasa con este juego

Hola, intenta lo que hay acá:

Si nada funciona puedes solicitar un reembolso enviando un correo a

Te recomiendo hacerlo en inglés y usa el mismo correo que usaste cuando compraste el juego.

Tengo un Problema desde hace mucho, que al clickear el boton de iniciar me da un pantallazo negro como si se iniciara el juego pero se cierra al instante, esto tambien pasa con buckshot roulette, pero nadamas con esos 2 juegos. saben que ocasiona esto y como puedo solucionarlo?

Seguramemte es por la compatibilidad con Vulkan, mira en este post como intentar abrir el juego cuando no tienes compatibilidad con Vulkan:

me da este mensaje en el cmd: "

"--rendering-driver" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo, programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.

significa que lo hice mal o que no me funciona en mi pc

hay algo que no hiciste bien, por aquello el comando completo es este: --rendering-driver opengl3

También puedes buscar en internet como hacerlo, creo que hay algunos videos de como abrir un juego con compatibilidad opengl3 de godot


ya hice un tuto de youtube pero tengo que poner todo el comando en el cmd cada vez que quiera abrir el juego D:.  Pero vale la pena :D gracias q crack

I don't understand, every update I have to buy it (it's doubt) because I log into my account and it asks me to buy it when I did it from the beginning. 

Hi, no, you only need to buy it once and you always have access to all the files and future files I upload, you can find the game in the library and from there you can download everything, you can also contact to support and ask for help if you need, this is the email:


so someone is selling your game on apple app under neighbor or doppelgänger. With in app purchase for 3.99 for ad removal . I reported on it but probably help if more people do  so I figured if I say it here people might go report it too. Since everytime I post on it there they remove my comment 

Its also being sold on the App store under "Neighbour Verify Department" by a different person

Yep :c and there are a couple on the playstore of google too.

This is a vevy good game!!

Aithough not playing on just watched the video...haha

You know what?There are many children in China who like this game very much!

But a lot of people have cracked this game to make's very worrying...

And then i'm looking forward to new gameplay!!

Hope to see this game on steam!!!!

Hi, I am working to release a new and better version of the game on steam!



I didn't have an account before this, but I just felt like I needed to leave another loving comment for this game. I downloaded the demo a few months back and played it so much. I wanted to buy the full game, but I wanted to donate more money in addition to purchasing it. I completely forgot about it until I was scrolling through YouTube and saw one of my favorite YouTubers playing it. Coming to purchase it now I see you're coming out with a Steam version so I'm going to just wait for that. 

All the rambling aside I want to thank you for working so hard on something a lot of people find joy out of. It's a lot of fun, to say the least, and honestly with life being so rough on me (and I'm sure many others) in the beginning of 2025 thank you for giving me at least one thing to look forward to. 

So keep working hard and don't get discouraged! I'm rooting for you! 

~ Psyche

Hi, thank you so much for your lovely words! I'm going to do my best to make this new upcoming version the best it can be!

Nacho Sama

Can you give me a percentage of the progress of the new version of the game you're launching on Steam?

I've been waiting for a while, but I can't tell how far along it is.

It is hard to tell, Idk, I am hopping to get it done in a couple of months but it could take more time or maybe less, I will take all the time I need to make my best to the game, thank you for your patience!

At some point I will make a beta test for the game on steam, to test all the steam features and find bugs, so there you will have a little taste of the game before it is complete it.

when is the steam vers coming out?

I'm working on it, idk it will take some time but I will make posts here with updates about it

okkayy take ur time ! ^^

(1 edit)

its too expensive but i cant download it . I was about to download the steam one but then i read the comments and got saved . 

Hi, I don't use itch but I created an account here to warn you about something. The guy who stole your game is still making money off of it, particularly from collectors. I very much doubt he's sorry for doing this, but rather, he is sorry he got caught. In addition, he is actively sweeping up any mention of the game being stolen via banning users. It's honestly some of the worst behavior I've seen in all of my years using Steam. Please don't believe this person's lies and report him to Valve. In the meantime, you can file a DMCA claim, which should automatically get the store page taken down and prevent him from making more money off of it.


Hi, thank you for the warning, I will wait a couple of days to see if the page truly is taking down, If not I will talk with valve.

I once made a report to google for a game in the play store but they didn't resolve it at all because the other guys who stole my game there made fake documents to said that they owns the rights and a lot of lies, I just want to make my game, it is really time consuming and tiring to deal with those things, I know I should start a legal process and all that stuff, but it is to much overwhelming to me :c

I am very greatful to all you guys for the help, really! You are awesome, I am just sorry if I am not doing my part as I should be doing, as I said, I only want to make my game and entertain people with it. That's the most important thing to me.

Thank you for the reply. If you report it to Valve, they will most likely ban him, and he won't receive money for those purchases. There also appears to be at least 2 fake positive reviews from him, which is also against the Steam Terms of Service. Valve takes these kinds of things more seriously than Google, so I think you will have good luck. 

(1 edit)

If I may, the game is still for sale, along with a removal announcement.

I think Vertex wants to make some last bits of money off a community on Steam that tracks these kinds of games that are likely to be removed from sale and hopes that as many of them purchase it now (hence why the screenshots are removed, trailer, notices of removal everywhere. Everything to indicate a removal is imminent) but yet they've still not disabled the purchase, which can be done quickly without the need of an entire store page removal.

I still unfortunately think they are acting in contempt. I know of course you've said for people to stop going at Vertex, but frankly, I think what they've done is abhorrent and sets a bad standard. I've thrown my hat in and asked for the purchase to be disabled and for you to be donated the entirety of the money they've made, as even now, I think they are deceiving and misrepresenting themselves. They haven't even publicly acknowledged and apologized for the theft publicly, just seemingly leaving it in private comms with you.

You have my deep sympathies.


I don't have the means of buying this game right now, i really want to play it, but i can't buy it, i don't have a bank account. could someone buy this game for me?

There is a demo available which is free. 

How do you pay bills and rent with no bank account? Or do you live at your parents place? 

If so, you could just give them the three bucks and let them order the game.

i live in an adult family home

Well maybe someone there can make the purchase for you! I mean the price is three bucks. You can ask around if someone has Paypal, that already works.

someone on this site bought me buckshot roulette, maybe they can do the same for me again?


I mean go ask around where you live, someone must have paypal. I mean bro: its 3 bucks. give them the money and make the purchase via their paypal. Why would you want random strangers to pay for your games?

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