yes but literally the game is totally free, it has all updates and it even has the nightmare mode. the only problem is that you have to watch 45 ads before playin so...yeah
Not at all. and even someone commented on this game and made a review thinking that its from the developer. But its not. They are terribly buggy for a reason. They might be free but they dont work
thats very sketchy and wrong.....i heard people saying in the game reviews its very buggy and too many ads. thats probably because they mightve stolen the game somehow. They have only one other game under a similar title "thats not my" as well.....
That's an outdated unofficial port of made by someone in Morocco. NachoSama already reached out to them and made them take the ads out. You can find it online and sideload it if you can't get it on google play. Also, if you DM me your proof of purchase I'll send you an APK I made of the Nightmare Mode update. Add me on discord @patbevibin
I purchased the game, but halfway through the download I get "Error: Forbidden" and "The file was not available on the site" and the download is canceled
I have a problem downloading the game, in the middle of downloading I get "Error: Forbidden" and the download is cancelled, it already happened to me with other games on the page and I don't understand why it happens :(
All of the achievement descriptions for me are "BETTER THAN HENRY:
Get S rank on one playthrough.", even the ones I have completed. The images are the same, it was fine a couple of hours ago when I played this morning. I re-installed the game, and when that didn't work I completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game and nothing worked.
look into the appdata folder. my guess would be that the safe got coruppted. happens with some games if you have the same save data for multible updates or sometimes just because of bad luck.
on windows press the windows button and r . then type in %appdata%. in there is a folder called godot. go into the folder and open the app_userdata folder. in there you can find your thats not my neighbor folder
Yo something crazy just happened i beat nightmare without facing the clown, ill tell you so you can fix, i said no to clown and call DDD and after they said they are sending the agents i reopened the window after they replied , then they arrived, so then the window instead of opening from closed it closed but there was no alarm, the clown killing animation happened with the door closed and then i reopen window to see the clown and the alarm goes on while its open, i start opening and closing to test the glitch and then the clown says he will clean the desk, but he doesn't so i keep hitting the door and eventually the clown dissapears and i go to end screen where it says nightmare beaten, so yeah i also clicked on the telephone after the alarm glicth i dunno if this did anything but it may have, anyways hope it helps
Really good game. Nightmare mode is an amazing addition, exactly what the game needed. Since arcade mode seems a bit easy.
Only problem is that nightmare seems unfair in some cases. Like with the resident Zoth Ommog. He can be a doppelganger with "wrong eyes" but doesn't open his eyelids, you can't see them. "Wrong eyes" in general seems to be unfair because you can't see the colour of them through the picture. And i can't tell the difference when it happens. But otherwise it's pretty good.
“Wrong Eyes” for Zoth Ommog is not unfair. It’s the whole point of nightmare mode to have to pay close attention and not be able to catch some things. But if you want spoiler: His eyes may be too far apart on some occasions pay attention to the distance away from his nose.
Hola, he comprado el juego y no me llega nada por gmail y luego lo he vuelto a comprar comprobando si puse algo mal y sigue sin llegarme y no me deja instalarme la aplicacion de itch . Ya me he gastado casi 7 euros y no tengo nada si alguien puede decirme que hacer gracias
Hola, disculpa intentaste comprar desde Google Chrome? si es asi, a mi me sucedio lo mismo y no, si no te llego un correo no deberias tener un cobro por el juego porque primero te pide que pases por el Re Captcha habitual de "no eres un robot" ? si no te pidio hacer estos pasos entonces tu compra no procedio, lo que yo hice fue abrir la pagina desde Internet Explorer y fue asi como me dejo continuar con la compra hasta el final.
Lo compre y no se me descargó nada se me quede en una pantalla donde decia pagando 2.99 USD y no pasaba nada, volví a poner mi tarjeta de nuevo y nada :(((((
Hola, disculpa intentaste comprar desde Google Chrome? si es asi, a mi me sucedio lo mismo y no, si no te llego un correo no deberias tener un cobro por el juego porque primero te pide que pases por el Re Captcha habitual de "no eres un robot" ? si no te pidio hacer estos pasos entonces tu compra no procedio, lo que yo hice fue abrir la pagina desde Internet Explorer y fue asi como me dejo continuar con la compra hasta el final.
whenever i try to download the new update for windows , it says that the "file wasnt available on site " . is there any possible way to fix this ? thanks !
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thats hilarious lol
how do you update the game
uhhhh i dont want to ruin anything but theres a page letting you play the game for free
yes something needs to be done about it. They are buggy and terrible
yes but literally the game is totally free, it has all updates and it even has the nightmare mode. the only problem is that you have to watch 45 ads before playin so...yeah
Hey! I find this game in appstore in ios.does it genuine?Its maker is karina shreffler
Not at all. and even someone commented on this game and made a review thinking that its from the developer. But its not. They are terribly buggy for a reason. They might be free but they dont work
found this game on the playstore. im not sure if it is official but for some reason its region locked.
if it is official could you allow it in germany
thats very sketchy and wrong.....i heard people saying in the game reviews its very buggy and too many ads. thats probably because they mightve stolen the game somehow. They have only one other game under a similar title "thats not my" as well.....
there is a shitton of rip off sites online just google the game title its kinda fricked up
That's an outdated unofficial port of made by someone in Morocco. NachoSama already reached out to them and made them take the ads out. You can find it online and sideload it if you can't get it on google play. Also, if you DM me your proof of purchase I'll send you an APK I made of the Nightmare Mode update. Add me on discord @patbevibin
hey, can I also have a copy? I’d love to play it on my tablet
Can you please add apk to it i really wanna play on my android and do nightmare mode
If you DM me your proof of purchase I'll send you an APK I made of the Nightmare Mode update. Add me on discord @patbevibin
what is the difference between the windows.exe 495 mb and the windows.rar 243 mb
rar's are a compressed archive. once uncompressed and installed they will be the same size.
Pizza tower office i made
I don't even like pizza tower but that office looks good ngl
I purchased the game, but halfway through the download I get "Error: Forbidden" and "The file was not available on the site" and the download is canceled
I have a problem downloading the game, in the middle of downloading I get "Error: Forbidden" and the download is cancelled, it already happened to me with other games on the page and I don't understand why it happens :(
Bug for Drugia on nightmare. calling DDD on 1st Drugia w/o earrings counts as a neighbor kill.
She has a chance to forget her earrings at home, so call the apt just in case.
thanks. i had that idea while itch was down.
Get S rank on one playthrough.", even the ones I have completed. The images are the same, it was fine a couple of hours ago when I played this morning. I re-installed the game, and when that didn't work I completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game and nothing worked.
Also all the game dialogue is empty? I don't know what has happened to my game ;-;
look into the appdata folder. my guess would be that the safe got coruppted. happens with some games if you have the same save data for multible updates or sometimes just because of bad luck.
what do i look for? if i open the TNMN folder theres just the game.exe and a GZ file and i cant find anything called appdata?
on windows press the windows button and r . then type in %appdata%. in there is a folder called godot. go into the folder and open the app_userdata folder. in there you can find your thats not my neighbor folder
thank you sm! i just deleted the saves from when everything corrupted and its all fixed! ur a lifesaver :)
Yo something crazy just happened i beat nightmare without facing the clown, ill tell you so you can fix, i said no to clown and call DDD and after they said they are sending the agents i reopened the window after they replied , then they arrived, so then the window instead of opening from closed it closed but there was no alarm, the clown killing animation happened with the door closed and then i reopen window to see the clown and the alarm goes on while its open, i start opening and closing to test the glitch and then the clown says he will clean the desk, but he doesn't so i keep hitting the door and eventually the clown dissapears and i go to end screen where it says nightmare beaten, so yeah i also clicked on the telephone after the alarm glicth i dunno if this did anything but it may have, anyways hope it helps
New fav game!! My first ever gameplay on this game and it was so fun! <333
Vote ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Really good game. Nightmare mode is an amazing addition, exactly what the game needed. Since arcade mode seems a bit easy.
Only problem is that nightmare seems unfair in some cases. Like with the resident Zoth Ommog. He can be a doppelganger with "wrong eyes" but doesn't open his eyelids, you can't see them. "Wrong eyes" in general seems to be unfair because you can't see the colour of them through the picture. And i can't tell the difference when it happens. But otherwise it's pretty good.
Interested to see this game develop further.
“Wrong Eyes” for Zoth Ommog is not unfair. It’s the whole point of nightmare mode to have to pay close attention and not be able to catch some things. But if you want spoiler: His eyes may be too far apart on some occasions pay attention to the distance away from his nose.
agree. but iget wrong nostril holes nearly everytime
he gets a nose bridge when that happens lol.
not that hard its mostly different proportions or positioning. after 20 or so playthrough you pretty much spot most differences instantly
No deja descargar la actualización no me deja . Como le hago?
Yo tmb tengo ese problema, lo pudiste solucionar?
Its saying I need to contact the developer
I wasted my money ;c
Hi! For Mac you need to bypass apple security, you can do it by right clicking the game, click on open and then on open anyways.
You can also see other way to do it in the description on the game page in the devlog call "Read if you have problems with the game"
This new update is terrifying!
whenever i try to get back onto it for a new game at a differen't time after playing a differen't game it doesen't let me join. someone help me please
mine says that i need to contact the developer because there is a new version i need to update so my files wont open:(
i just bought the game too (on mac)
ive just had the same thing! very annoying
Hola, he comprado el juego y no me llega nada por gmail y luego lo he vuelto a comprar comprobando si puse algo mal y sigue sin llegarme y no me deja instalarme la aplicacion de itch . Ya me he gastado casi 7 euros y no tengo nada si alguien puede decirme que hacer gracias
Hola, disculpa intentaste comprar desde Google Chrome? si es asi, a mi me sucedio lo mismo y no, si no te llego un correo no deberias tener un cobro por el juego porque primero te pide que pases por el Re Captcha habitual de "no eres un robot" ? si no te pidio hacer estos pasos entonces tu compra no procedio, lo que yo hice fue abrir la pagina desde Internet Explorer y fue asi como me dejo continuar con la compra hasta el final.
A vale muchas gracias entonces no cobraron? porque le di a mi madre los siete euros pensando que si
no, al menos yo no tenia cobros adicionales en mi tarjeta dado que nunca termine la compra, para terminarla te piden un codigo de autorizacion.
Tengo una pregunta.
¿Si eres de España puedes pagar en euros?
Lo compre y no se me descargó nada se me quede en una pantalla donde decia pagando 2.99 USD y no pasaba nada, volví a poner mi tarjeta de nuevo y nada :(((((
me pasa lo mismo a mi ayuda
Si tienes Windows hazlo por Microsoft Edge, ya lo hice y si me dejó comprarlo :)
Hola, disculpa intentaste comprar desde Google Chrome? si es asi, a mi me sucedio lo mismo y no, si no te llego un correo no deberias tener un cobro por el juego porque primero te pide que pases por el Re Captcha habitual de "no eres un robot" ? si no te pidio hacer estos pasos entonces tu compra no procedio, lo que yo hice fue abrir la pagina desde Internet Explorer y fue asi como me dejo continuar con la compra hasta el final.
Ojala te funcione.
I finally figured out the THREE TIMES ghost and the clown cheated me at the end
😂😂😂😂When I launch the game i can only see a black screen but I can still hear the game sound. Anyone know something about this?
I downloaded the latest file but I can't seem to access Nightmare mode. It doesn't show up in the options.
You're launching the exe, you need the other one that's included.
My problem is it says download will be done in 22 hours. My internet isn't even slow.
whenever i try to download the new update for windows , it says that the "file wasnt available on site " . is there any possible way to fix this ? thanks !
i am having this same problem but with mac
I bought the game yesterday for my PC, I was just wondering, if its for the Android as well? I'd love to play nightmare mode on me phone as well.
DM me on discord with your proof of purchase and I'll send you an Android port @PatBeVibin
I've send you an invite, if for some reason you can't see it please send me one, username Snar.
I dmed u!
Hi, I added you in Discord. My username is Vonnskii4. Thank you.