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Loved everything about this game! From the style, to how the gameplay is. SO GOOD! Definitely planning on playing some more!
(1 edit)


I found some bugs here on the Linux version at least

Clicking the fullscreen option or the file for the 1st floor is imposible.

Also as I really like the game, I could do a French Translation and /or Linux testing if you'd like.

It opens, the cursor becomes a spade, and the sound works, but the screen is entirely black. I deleted it and redownloaded as suggested, but no change. 

same with me

The same thing happens to me, I'm very excited to play it but the black screen is annoying :(

i have to get passed the verified app setting i don't know how to do that nor where to find my gpu im not sure what to fo 

About the GPU you can test that by downloading the demo. Test the demo first before you buy it.

For bypassig go to System Preferences -> Secutiry & Privacy  -> "Open Anway"  -> (Type in password)

where is system preferences how do i find that 


I bought it and didn't receive the email with the game link, what i do?

contact suport and explain the situation:

Deleted 124 days ago

Will there ever be a discount for the game? i would be able to purchase it if it was 2 dollars :")


Demo worked for my Mac!!! I can't wait to be able to actually play this

how did you get it to work? ive been trying for an hour...

You need to bypass the warning message and opening anyway through security settings.

Go to System Preferences -> Secutiry & Privacy  -> "Open Anway"  -> (Type  in password)

Deleted 124 days ago

No you don't, you will have access to all the files I upload, forever, you only pay once and that's it!

Deleted 124 days ago
Deleted 124 days ago

The game is very nice! Too bad there is only one playable mode... it would be nice to implement a story mode (maybe with the stories of the inhabitants and any events) or a day mode.

Demo works for MAC! I also need to request a refund because my dumbass downloaded it thinking that it would work for mac when you need to come out with the mac version!😂  Can't wait to get that!!!

I think I will upload a Mac version in a few minutes, it is seemn to work perfectly fine, so you can wait if you want, the Mac file will be access for you since you already buy the game c: 


I'll be waiting by the download button! So excited! 


Hi, will there be an "hard mode" in the future?


Hi! The new gamemode will be harder!

Evil Laughing GIFs | Tenor


For everyone who has try it the demo for Linux and Mac, can you please tell me if it works? I need confirmation before I upload a full version of the game for those!


Hello! I just tried the mac version on my M2 Macbook Air and there were no issues :)

Deleted 124 days ago
Deleted 124 days ago

I'm playing on an old 2015 Macbook pro and the game ran smoothly. I don't know if it was an issue on my part tho but the game got stuck on the phone ringing and wouldn't let me click out.

Oh well that's an old bug, but it is fixed on the newest version. The file in which I make the demo may have the bug beacuse it is an old version.

But as long as the game works it's fine for me.

Thank you!

Ok perfect i look forward to playing the full version in a bit!!

(1 edit)

hi, i bought the game and i do not want a refund. i have a lenovo which im pretty sure is a window. i keep downloading it and it says “thats not my neighbor.exe isn’t commonly downloaded. Make sure you can trust that not my neighbor.exe before downloading it.” what do i do?

Hi! Click keep option in three dots and then it'll ask you delete/cancel and showmore and in showmore click keep anyway option.

thank you!

This is a great idea for a game but on my first playthrough it bugged so that I couldn't play it properly.
After about 7 neighbours (on Lois Stinsky), it wouldn't let me open the files for Flats 01 and 02 (they didn't even highlight when I moused over them). Everything else was working, including being able to click on and open the file for Flat 03.

Requesting money back as it's kind of impossible to play the game without checking the files but I appreciate all the work you've put into this so far, keep going!

(2 edits) (+1)

This was such an amazing idea! I really enjoyed your game. I just didnt like the neighbors with triggered my trypophobia. It would be nice to have an option to turn off doppelgangers that trigger some phobias off cause my skin was crawling when that one came through. Other than that I cant wait for the other game modes!


Hi! The option to hide the holes ones will be in the next version! :)

Thank you so much! Im so happy you are including that! I can't wait!


Thank you so so much for the trypophobia feature. That was literally the only thing I wasn't in love with. 

You are welcome! Please make sure to have version, the doesn't hide the ones with worms, that was my bad.

Hi, I really wanted this game and I bought it but my computer is not opening because of Vulkan, my computer is Lenovo Thinkpad T430, I don't want refund I just want to play it, how may I play it?

Hi your computer has a GPU that supports Vulkan, so make sure it is update it!


I keep seeing this game everywhere and I want to play so badly!! Will there be a version available for Mac/IOS soon? 

Hi! I just upload a free demo version for Mac can you tell me if it works? Thank you!

no puedo comprarlo, le doy  a pagar y no se cobra ni nada, que hago? 

puedes preguntar ahí sobre el método de pago y cómo solucionar tu problema

i click on details after the game ended, and it says wrong llead and i dont know what that means

HI! it is head, but the font wont display the capital H correctly, my bad.


its quite saddening that i can't buy it. i dont have a bank account nor paypal, plus i live in the philippines :(

(1 edit) (+1)

Sad it's not available for Linux 🙁, especially if built with Godot, the most open source and Linux compatible game engine !

Hi! I just upload a free demo version for Linux can you tell me if it works? Thank you!

Deleted 124 days ago


 if you want Linux testing, a French localization or playtesting/feedback you can contact me on Discord [Enderteck#0172]. I would do it with pleasure, really like this game and I want it to be more popular.

Hi i just purchased game and I love it, but i have a small problem. How do I deny people that do not look like a doppelgangers, like if they are not on list only and everything else is right?

When they aren't on the list, call their apartment. The number is at the top of their file.

And after call them if you still want to deny their entey you start and emergency and call 3312!


Ojalá este juego llegue a steam, al menos con acceso anticipado. Realmente quiero probarlo pero no confío en!

i keep trying to buy the game after a while it takes the cash but gives it back what do i do really want to buy the gam. someone tell me how to fix this for buy the game form somewhere else?

You can ask to support about the pay method:


Enjoying it so far! looking forward to more updates/development!



the game overall is pretty good. The only things I didn't like were how LONG the rounds are and considering you basically restart every time with your "first day" it can get a bit repetitive. But I enjoy trying to earn the trophies and all that good stuff. I love the art and the game concept is very easy to pickup.  


Are you considering making it for the iOS App Store? It would be amazing 


This is really fun! I enjoy the various gags (mostly Dr. W. Afton) and the silly plug to your other game. I've completed all but three achievements, which are the grinding achievements. Can't wait to see the future brings from this great game!

I tried out the demo and it worked fine, but the list is completely blank. Does anyone else have this problem?

No, it is like that, in the demo there is no neighbors, that file is not a real demo, it is just to see if the game can run in your pc

Got it. Thank you!

the first time i bought the game it ran fine but the one day when i went on it, it said i was playing the demo which was weird because i am sure i paid the money for the game so i decided to buy it again and its doing the same thing like not letting me see the texts and not giving me the information on their appearances and saying it's not available in the demo. How do i fix it? is it a bug? 

Hi! That's weird, also you don't have to buy the game if you already buy it, you always have access to all the file I upload, so you can just download the game again for free.

Try to download the game again and overwrite the file.

How do i overwrite the file? also i have redownloaded the game multiple times and it was doing the same thing.


I'm pretty sure if this was free this game would sky rocket.

(1 edit) (-9)

I kinda wish this was free you know?


No. it shouldn’t be free. Games take time and it should be common sense that after weeks/months of work, someone can ask a VERY reasonable 2.99. It’s already skyrocketing WITH costing money.


I meant not like that I mean like it would be optional to pay.

(1 edit) (+3)

that’s literally the same thing. That’s still basically asking for it to be free, when again 2.99 for a game is NOT a bad price. And still, it’s doing very well without your support. If you cannot spend 2.99 for a game, than move along instead of hinting and asking for it to be free, games are a luxury not a necessity. People would choose, for the majority not to pay, and of course the OP DESERVES the simple 2.99. 


So disrespectful to tell a dev this. 2.99 is a good price.


do you plan on putting this game on steam


Maybe in the future, I want to first finish a more complete version of the game.

I'll lurk to see if it is ever on steam.

where is details??

In the message you get when try to run it, look for and option that let you run it, there has to be some option that says see more, details, more options or something like that

I bought this game and can't play it :( my computer says the file isn't commonly downloaded and may be dangerous :(  anyone else have this problem

Click on details and then open anyways

Can you make the game optional to buy I want to buy it but also want to support you but I dont have any money.


you should add like a 0.01% chance that Peach Peach is on the list of people to let in

I love that idea!!! 

I will do it!



(1 edit) (+2)

Hi! I really enjoy this game and it makes a lot of fun for my friends and me. After playing for about 100 rounds, we all agree that there is actually a "pity" in this game: there are no misleading neighbours. I think players will all experience this: if you are playing seriously, then no neighbours will be killed, or at least, when you make a mistake, then it is very likely that the mistake is getting a fake one in rather than killing innocents. Therefore, we would like to suggest that, how about taking in misleading innocents? That is to say, some real neighbours will appear not exactly the same as declared in documents (we will kill them in the current settings, right?), but this can be perfectly explained, so we should not kill them. For example, maybe the physicist forgets to wear his glasses this time, but he will admit it when you question him, and if you phone his wife, she will tell you that he forgets his glasses and he is on his way home. In this way, the game will be much fancier. (Of course, more complex for coding hhh). Looking forward to your future work!

fair point

Thats a genius idea, hope it gets implemented in the future

I think this is already in the game actually, I saw an example where they actually did forget their hat, and this was confirmed when you called the residence.

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