Will this game ever see a Steam release anytime soon? I've already bought the game on here, but I wouldn't mind buying it on Steam just to support you in your future endeavours.
I downloaded the game today and it keeps crashing at the first neighbor, I cant get any further than that and I've tried all the necessary things to try and get the game to work. i have to idea what to do now.
This happened to me too. Someone said they had to do it again to get the achievement, so I did and then it processed. If you do another run, you should get the achievement.
This game has been pretty fun so far! I've played over 7 times and i'm still trying to guess the secret of the universe from the hippie. I can't wait to play the other gameplay modes but will there be a story mode? I'd love to see what the whole deal is with the doppelgangers.
Also thank you so much for adding the option to turn off the Trypophobia! I have an intense fear of it and really wanted to play the game without a risk of seeing that stuff so thank you!
Hola, tuve un problema al intentar comprar el juego. El sábado intente comprar el juego, pero no me lo permitió, lo intente 2 veces, no se registro el cobro, no se compró el juego, tampoco me llegó ningún correo y el día de hoy tuve que acudir al banco por que en la aplicación de mi tarjeta me quitaron casi 8,000 pesos mexicanos, en el banco me dijeron que el cobro se hizo desde esta página y el único juego que intente comprar fue este.
when i try and run the game on my windows PC it keeps poping up with 'unable to initialize vulkan video driver' i dont know what this means
(Time 21:18) never mind i didn't see the part that had what i needed to do with the command prompt lol it was a little stuggle getting the command but i got it in the end lol
When i try to open my game it says it cant be run cause my macbook cant check if its a malicious software and it said to contact the developer how do i fix this
si claro, debes enviar un correo a: https://itch.io/support usa el mismo correo con el que compraste el juego, explica el problema que tuviste con el juego y solicita un reembolso.
yo hice la compra y no me llego nada de nada, ademas que nisiquiera se desconto el pago, ya que revise mi app y no se desconto y me preocupa que puedan clonar mi n° de tarjeta, que hago
Hi! I noticed that you left a margin box when you click on some buttons, (the grey square that appears if, for example you press the go back option during a dialogue in the phone), i just wanted to tell you that you can easily remove it just adding a empty stylebox on Theme overrides > Styles > Focus (Gave me some trouble when working in my own game, so i wanted to help), Great game, btw!
I've encountered a bug wherein the emergency button works opposite. If it's pressed, emergency light and sound were enabled but the window is open and I can't click any button aside to dial the telephone.
i love watching people play this games and it seems really fun to play but unfortunately I can't play it because I live in the uk and i would really like to play it so could you maybe make it available to buy in the uk as well? sorry if i'm asking for too much
Es bueno, el juego es entretenido, pero un consejo que propondría para mejorar la Experiencia de Usuario seria el que los diálogos se puedan saltar, no parece mucho pero a veces es molesto no poder saltar los diálogos
Fuera de eso, algo que le vendría bien seria meter mas residentes y que en cada partida sean aleatorios los residentes del edificio, así mismo un modo en el que haya mas o menos pisos, ya sea que se asignen por dificultad, aleatoriamente o algún modo de juego diferente
i bought the game but when i open the file it just stays on a black screen but i can hear the game playing in the background it just wont get off the black screen
this game is so much fun omg- can't wait for other modes to be released. awesome job nacho!! (also the plug for unlikely was really funny and even though i've already played it, it kinda makes me wanna play again lol)
do you have an idea of when the other game modes are going to be released? I'm loving what I've played so far but I've also completed most of the achievements already and I'm wanting more.
← Return to game
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Will this game ever see a Steam release anytime soon? I've already bought the game on here, but I wouldn't mind buying it on Steam just to support you in your future endeavours.
THIS GAME IS A BANGER!! I am definitely gonna make videos on it
is there a way i can get it on ipad before i buy it?
pleease update the game is so good but doing arcade over and over makes it really easy - have done all achievements x10.
I downloaded the game today and it keeps crashing at the first neighbor, I cant get any further than that and I've tried all the necessary things to try and get the game to work. i have to idea what to do now.
Its like papers please with an SCP theme. I cannot WAIT for updates that complicate the game further! S tier indie title right here!
naaah... soy el único comentario en español y no lo pienso comprar aunque este barato. lo voy a descargar pirata
how do you open it on iphone
i dont think he has an iphone. figure out by yourself or search tutorials on yt if there's some tuts
I DID IT! I GOT THE CHESTER ACHIEVEMENT! WOOO!! Cant wait for more updates!
im glad for u
THANK YOU!! omg. it took literally forever
black screen
I did a level where I did not look in any folders and played a perfect game, but didnt get the achievement :(
This happened to me too. Someone said they had to do it again to get the achievement, so I did and then it processed. If you do another run, you should get the achievement.
definitely dropping another vid soon ❤️ I played unlikely too so stayed tuned for that video
When I boot up the game all that pops up is Ibis Paint??
when i try to open the game it says “your video card drivers seem to not support the required Vulkan version” what do i do
i have the same issue, i dont know if we can get a refund
dawg why would anyone downvote this
This game has been pretty fun so far! I've played over 7 times and i'm still trying to guess the secret of the universe from the hippie. I can't wait to play the other gameplay modes but will there be a story mode? I'd love to see what the whole deal is with the doppelgangers.
Also thank you so much for adding the option to turn off the Trypophobia! I have an intense fear of it and really wanted to play the game without a risk of seeing that stuff so thank you!
Hola, tuve un problema al intentar comprar el juego. El sábado intente comprar el juego, pero no me lo permitió, lo intente 2 veces, no se registro el cobro, no se compró el juego, tampoco me llegó ningún correo y el día de hoy tuve que acudir al banco por que en la aplicación de mi tarjeta me quitaron casi 8,000 pesos mexicanos, en el banco me dijeron que el cobro se hizo desde esta página y el único juego que intente comprar fue este.
Contacta con soporte y explica el problema https://itch.io/support
I bought the game but when i go to download it says "file not available on site" any ideas on how to fix this? I have windows
Finding The Rarest Doppelgangers
when i try and run the game on my windows PC it keeps poping up with 'unable to initialize vulkan video driver' i dont know what this means
(Time 21:18) never mind i didn't see the part that had what i needed to do with the command prompt lol it was a little stuggle getting the command but i got it in the end lol
When i try to open my game it says it cant be run cause my macbook cant check if its a malicious software and it said to contact the developer how do i fix this
yea it says the same for me
Please read the description above, there you can see how to open it on Mac
Descargue el juego para windows pero no puedo jugarlo, crees que el reembolso sea una opcion? :(
si claro, debes enviar un correo a: https://itch.io/support usa el mismo correo con el que compraste el juego, explica el problema que tuviste con el juego y solicita un reembolso.
yo hice la compra y no me llego nada de nada, ademas que nisiquiera se desconto el pago, ya que revise mi app y no se desconto y me preocupa que puedan clonar mi n° de tarjeta, que hago
Milkman yummy
Bro no (T v T) lol
Почему русский нет? Пожалуста добавите русский язык
I'm having problems downlowding the game
like what
Todas las partidas son divertidas! 😊
That's not my neighbor 2 / buixu
No pasarán y pasaron xd
Hi! I noticed that you left a margin box when you click on some buttons, (the grey square that appears if, for example you press the go back option during a dialogue in the phone), i just wanted to tell you that you can easily remove it just adding a empty stylebox on Theme overrides > Styles > Focus (Gave me some trouble when working in my own game, so i wanted to help), Great game, btw!

Thank you so much!
I've encountered a bug wherein the emergency button works opposite. If it's pressed, emergency light and sound were enabled but the window is open and I can't click any button aside to dial the telephone.
i love watching people play this games and it seems really fun to play but unfortunately I can't play it because I live in the uk and i would really like to play it so could you maybe make it available to buy in the uk as well? sorry if i'm asking for too much
the UK has paypal available and u can pay through that
i bought on card and am also in uk
ok thanks and nice
ok thanks
Es bueno, el juego es entretenido, pero un consejo que propondría para mejorar la Experiencia de Usuario seria el que los diálogos se puedan saltar, no parece mucho pero a veces es molesto no poder saltar los diálogos
Fuera de eso, algo que le vendría bien seria meter mas residentes y que en cada partida sean aleatorios los residentes del edificio, así mismo un modo en el que haya mas o menos pisos, ya sea que se asignen por dificultad, aleatoriamente o algún modo de juego diferente
How do you dial the phone? I dont know if my mouse is just glitchy but it keeps kind of bugging out whenever i try to dial the phone.
Estoy jugando este juego en mi stream MansGames - Twitch vengan a ayudar
i bought the game but when i open the file it just stays on a black screen but i can hear the game playing in the background it just wont get off the black screen
yeah same. not sure how to fix it either, unfortunately
i hope that we are able to fix it i really wanna play the game
Are you on a Mac device? I'm having the same issue.
im on a windows pc im pretty sure
lmao same, i followed all the instructions to download it correctly but it just won't work. If you end up figuring it out please lmk
same if i figure it out ill tell you i already tried re downloading it but it didnt work lol
yea deleting and re downloading did not work, and my pc can run the demo so I am not sure of what is going on.
idk either i hope its able to be fixed soon
this game is so much fun omg- can't wait for other modes to be released. awesome job nacho!! (also the plug for unlikely was really funny and even though i've already played it, it kinda makes me wanna play again lol)
do you have an idea of when the other game modes are going to be released? I'm loving what I've played so far but I've also completed most of the achievements already and I'm wanting more.
i did a live stream of this!!
come check it out!!